People are making pokemons on the Spore Trial. They have faulty bone structures that proves that pokemon are unnatural.
About my entry before I jumped into the maelstorm once again. I had never met another person as stubborn as I am. I believe I did manage to do something positive for her though it feels like blowing kisses into a hurricaine. I know I'm hideously stubborn too and she probably feels the same way about it being near hopeless to convince. I'm just going to give her time to get back to me with it whenever she's ready to. My main worry was her outlook on herself and her happiness which we've adressed extensively right now so I did what I felt I needed to and we sorted some stuff out. I'm content with how it went so it's her move now that's all.
I get a laptop in 3 days time and some frozen food Laptop's from mom as a birthday gift which I finally accepted after that whole fight. Food's from dad because he said he could send it and well I won't pass up the chance of morcilla (sausages made from pig intestine filled with blood/rice/spice) Be as grossed out as you wish my mouth waters
I need to buy an antivirus for it, I refuse to use it otherwise so I'll need to go to a mall or something soon. I'm thinking AVG if anyone has any other Ideas do say for protection do say. I want to eventually get spore or starcraft II for it and a music mixing/creating program I used to love using a friend's. Also of course use it for school
I've painted and drawn all over my hands with my assortment of sharpees gave them swirling celtic looking patterns it actually looks really neat
I lost my legs to a coffee table I simply ran headlong into in the dark while hurrying to do something. Evil squat, heavy little thing took me right below the knees and gave me two huge bruises
Dabbling and oooo Spooky stuff-
A friend asked me to look up demonic names for characters in something she's writing and me being the occult dabbler at heart than I am was more than happy to. So I got them off the list of infernal names but that opened the pandoras box for me and I went on and came across "The Council of Nine". These are inner circle for the dark church. They also symbolize/conincide with the nine major gods of ancient Egypt amongst other things. Come along with me to a little more complicated storytelling from greek myth.
*ahem* When Prometheus gave Fire to mankind, he infuriated Zeus, so to punish Prometheus, Zeus had him chained to a rock and every day an eagle came down and ate his liver, while he was still alive. The liver grew back and the eagle returned to do the same to him the next day. Charming yes?
Now to punish mankind, Zeus and eight other gods gathered to form the Council of Nine. The council members were Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon and Zeus.
Typical to have left Hades out, I like him he's my favorite greek god
Anyways together this council created Pandora, and sent her, as a gift, to Epimetheus. Epimetheus was also given Pandora's Box, and told to never open it. Curiosity got the better of Pandora and she opened the box, releasing all of the misfortunes of Mankind.
Voila The end
Related to that a medium supposedly came into contact with an entity calling itself the nine. I'm much more skeptical over stuff like that but it's still neat. Supposedly it said:
"I am the beginning. I am the end. I am the emissary. But the original time I was on the Planet Earth was 34,000 of your years ago. I am the balance. And when I say "I" - I mean because I am an emissary for The Nine. It is not I , but it is the group. We are nine principles of the Universe, yet together we are one."
Nine, nine, nine. coincidence? Oooooooh.
While were on that though let me share a slightly unnatural situation. My door creaks or opens every night at around 2:30-3:00 a.m. sometimes clearly heard by people I'm on the phone and sometimes followed by quick eerie shuffling or creaks on the floorboards. No it's not my nerves over the oh so spooky nine it's been doing it for weeks. I got a ton of personal ghost stories. A lot of people have suggested I'm an empath but I'm skeptical about that though my mom has similar experienes and supposedly it's a must be in the family thing
I've talked to two people about 9/11 in the last few days and yes I believe it was all a lie and a hype to get the swing going to bring down the battle-axe of war down on Iraq no questions or objections asked. I've written about it here before a few times so let me just share this particular quote I am VERY fond of beofre I go off ranting my head off on the same old same old. This quote sums it up for me.
"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar." (Julius Caesar)
Ponder that for a bit
I was looking and I singled out some courses though nothing too specific.
1)Animal Science
2)Plant Science
6) Medieval Studies
They seem fun basically because most are actually already hobbies of mine
Aunty- (This is merely a tribute to her awesomeness and that I miss her.)
My aunty took me shopping yesterday she bought me stuff. I'm not comftrable with such shows of kindness, I'm not used to it nor do I find them necessary. She wanted me to buy the store. I got 5 shirts, 2 hats and 2 pairs of new shoes. The shoes were needed the ones I had were really worn out still I'm not like yay let me waste your money. The shirts are formal looking either polo or buttons but they have skull and ink spatter designs on them, how more awesome can you get? The hats were just neat looking and cheap.
We went to MCdonalds and she started fumbling with her purse and freaked out when the effectivity of my simple wallet came out and paid for the meal. She put 20$ on the counter I'm like it's staying there and went to serve the soda She thanked me later. She bought some stuff she needed
We bought some plants because the garden of the aunt that I'm staying with is just a pile of woodshavings no lie and they constantly spill onto the sidewalk. We got back she freaked out and said she didn't want them and what the hell was wrong with us for buying them. With a calm that surprised even me, my sweet aunty merely said okay calm down we'll take them back and we drooove all the way back. Then I talked to her about the situation of me here and college and she completely agreed with me and I was like whoa a family member that actually understands I expect to wake up any minute now. She was very supportive, caring and gave good advise I really needed that so
She doesn't have a temper which can't be said for her two other sisters. She's funny and neat my other aunt and my mom call her crazy all the time but then again my mom and my other aunt are dominant, snarly, stereotypical women and probably wouldn't have approved of awesome shirts with skulls and ink spatters on them. Nor do they joke around as much and are so non-judgemental.
There were two things she did that I found amazingly awesome one she was singing this song about how god loves everyone and it was actually a nice song, I'm used and tired of everything being hellfire and fear, I asked her where'd she learn that song and she said she made it up. Other time she was sewing pants and was singing a whole song well done with up and downs and varying tones just saying "I'm sewing" it went something like: "I'm sewing yes I am I'm sewing yes siree, sewing sewing sewing, it's what I'm doing." so on and so forth I found it adorable she reminds me of Dory from finding Nemo
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