This girl I know was infatuated with this boy. One thing led to another they had some romance it wasn't a relationship but he did say he loved her.
He promised her the stars and eternal love. So she gave herself to him not completely mind you but
She found out he did the same thing to other girls as well. I don't know the girl very well but she just fell on me crying.
It's odd that random people come to me for emotional help so often I don't mind it quite the contrary I enjoy helping people just don't get why they come to me.
Anyhow she was torn about it felt used and dirty. I explained she was manipulated and she can't completely blame herself for it, gave her hugs, spoke gently and listened for a long time, then sent her happy music and told her to let me know if she ever needs anything. She's feeling quite better now.
Quite simple and I'm glad she's better but why do people do this?
Intimacy is a sacred thing for me. Why do people go around playing with it and using each other?
If I let you touch me for more than 5 seconds it's quite a feat mind you. I have to be *really* comfortable with the person which basically takes forever.
Anyways using girls by lying to them is so wrong. I really want to hurt the guy. I'm on school break for 2 weeks not sure if thats good or bad for him or for me.
Chivalry's really dead... I feel really out of place following it sometimes
Besides that in the philosophical arena
I think Nietzsche is has very interesting outlooks on good and evil which I agree on and find quite amusingly interesting.
Yet he was also quite annoying sometimes with women and such as in quote "When you go to your woman, do not forget thy whip"
I'm sure most women could/would take the whip from him so he contends himself with making stupid spiteful comments... just an opinion
I read Freud also, I'm convinced the man snorted enough coke to kill a large horse.
So can anyone can recommend any fun philosophers?
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