Well ladies and gents where to begin?
Grandpa got worse which is why I disappeared for awhile, not that it was noticed but that's quite alright I'll get to why I say that later, much later.
Over almost a whole week he developed a cold. For the span of the last 2 days of that week the cold turned into a cough and was extremely bad. During this he was mainly unresponsive in which nights I did not sleep. The hospice care denied us antibiotics because he didn't have a fever, I came to the point of arguing with the hospice nurse over it but dropped it and waited a day. Yesterday morning his breathing was quicker and shallower and he did have a high fever.
Before we go into the hospital trip let's note there are some factors to be considered. When he started developing the cough, as you know he is bedridden, he was overmedicated by hospice. Two narcotics one of them four times a day, one muscle relaxant, another relaxant for anxiety and the cough medicine that caused drowsiness. Once he started coughing I sat my aunt down and told him she was overmedicating him, we had the conversation before but she claimed he'd be in suffering and pain otherwise which is in part true but he won't from talking to me about napkin people and hugging me to sleeping all day. However he was in pain so I decided to talk it over with a hospice nurse or a doctor at the next oportunity. Once he started trying to cough up heavy phelghm but being unable to from being weak and bedridden and as a result choking on it. I sat my aunt down and clearly explain how serious is the very real possibility fluid can go to the lungs. I felt slightly bad because she had a guilt/panic attack because she had already doped him up and choked him with food before I woke.
Skipping to the hospital in where she was still beating herself up over it I remarked the fact that. He had dropped a lot of weight being bed ridden and no one had taken his new weight, his medications continued to come in prescripted for a weight he didn't have. This is well was a very serious problem. I should have noticed this I vaccined dozens if not close to a hundred dogs back when I worked in the dog shelter acoording to weight so she can also blame me not to mention the doctor and especially the hospice nurse who not also ignored that fact but rigidly denied us antiobiotics. Upon hearing this my aunt calmed down somewhat. I haven't written in awhile so you might be wondering why am I being so nice to her?
Yes I was always polite even if strained at times and always at her service. However as grandpa got worse and after an incident in which I sat her down and told her she was being offensive and that I tolerated it for my grandfather and also because even if she might not know I do care for her and appreciate what she's doing and know for a fact she doesn't say the offensive things she used to say with bad intentions. Yet it did offend me and upset me but no I do not or did hate her. She's been charmed with me since then, she now politely explains she knows it's a bit obsessive and silly but she'd appreciate if I didn't do the little details that bother her and I am more than happy to comply to such nice request. She has also started telling me about her childhood and problems. It is obvious she has reasons for being as troubled as she is. So there you have it we've actually bonded and I do care for her overall.
Back to that morning, the paramedics showed up. Put an oxygen mask on him and started demanding the RCD papers which are resucitate or do not which we didn't have. I had just woken up and was looking for them gargling mouthwash. They told us to just fill them again at the hospital and without further ado besides cargo pants, shoes, a polo shirt, a cell phone and a jacket I was at a brisk pace next to the stretcher torwards the ambulance. I've done the same trip twice before, if I hadn't been so worried at that moment the fact that traffic rules ceased to exist and we were basically speeding might've been amusing or exciting but I was monitoring what info and such the paramedic in the back was giving to the hospital. We got there they pulled him down and we checked in. They were setting him into his room and the bald, tall and slightly overweight paramedic came over and asked me to wait outside of the room. I was standing just on the doorway so I took the most miniscule of steps back and stood there watching them still. This pissed him off but I do not care.
They left, the green eyed girl who was the tall fat guy's partner did stop to say goodbye and I thanked her maybe a tad briskly but I smiled a sad smile but still to let her know it was sincere.
Nurses came over they stuck him with neddles asked for info. Same deal as always I give it to the best of my abilities but I do not have his complete personal info or medical history in my head. They found him by social security number and last name. I told them to cross-check with my aunt on what I had given earlier regardless just in case.
So the waiting in the E.R. started. I talked to him and reassured him even if he couldn't hear me and pulled up a chair next to him. My aunt dropped by after awhile since traffic laws did apply to her. She got me coffee but with no cream or sugar it was cheap as hell too. I've never tasted sewer water but sewer water can't be a far cry from that coffee I drank. I needed it I hadn't really slept for two days. Me and my aunt talked about movies, books which surprised me though it wasn't classic literature but still, nostradamus, aztecs and egyptians and aliens and ghosts and alien ghosts and ghost aliens. She loved it since most of my family just call her crazy and shun her because they're strictly religious so she was like someone gives the the benefit of doubt and grants me an "it's possible"! not to mention I know my share of ghost stories and unexplained facts of history, myths and legends.
They brought a guy in who had swollen 6 bags of cocaine. My aunt went back to the apartment quick and a nurse came in to put a caterer in. I argued with the little wench because she just wanted to ram it in no questions asked and grandpa's used to condom caterers. She goes well what's the easiest way to get rid of pee. I simply glared at her patronizing little medical quiz for idiots. My aunt gave the go via phonecall though and I bitterly acceded. She asked me to step outside and I did after remarking it's not exactly something I've never seen before and let the door close because of the nature of the procedure.
I do get well with the medical staff thogh the nurse of the next shift was an asian guy who kept calling me "dude" and did after some half hearted "you don't have to"s help him with everything. We say grandpa's doctor, two hospital doctors, a guy grandpa's doctor sent and two resident physicians. I can do the story and development of why we brought him in my sleep it got old fast and they just kept us in the E.R. soo I messed with the first resident physician doing his practice by not letting him leave the room. I would simply walk where he'd walk and interpose myself between him and the door so he kept talking and trying to leave he ended up going tippy toe to squeeze past me and leave. Another came over and I just went for a walk though I was too tired to say the story again to another student after so many doctors and being kept in the ER. I clashed with a lady doctor that started pushing us into a stiff "yes/no" answer for the life support in case anything happenend. There is disease progression and there is pnemonia and he's got the latter combined of course with the first. We want him to get past it if it's a pnemonia we do understand there's also disease progression to be taken into account and the complications it brings but we brought him here for pnemonia so yes we want everything possible done now. Blah blah disease progression just no he's not going because we let a cough get bad. There's a clear difference between that and the natural course of the disease.
Well we got to the E.R. at 7a.m. we got moved to a hospital room at 11p.m. so yeah it was a long stressful day. I spent most of it pacing slowly or trying to relax my muscles then noticing they were extremely tensed up again 5minutes later. Talking with my aunt and talking to my grandpa who might not be able to hear me and a moment where some friends who were kind enough to call and cheer me up somewhat with their serious support and awesome craziness. My choice of clothing turned out to be the wrong one after I decided to spend the night. Cargo pants with a ton of zippers and pockets and a poloshirt to sleep on a reclinable sofa nooo the nurses waked me 6 times during the night so I have not slept a great deal then again I kept waking and checking on grandpa anyway. I ate KFC which is cyanide for my stomach and threw up sometime in the a.m. and the vomit also had blood which made me laugh of it all to keep from crying. I've been in the E.R. all day, I haven't slept, grandpa's really sick, I'm stressed and worried out of my mind and now I puked blood I mean come on
To the nature of these entries. Between the philosophical rants and the personal dramas it's gotten too well... personal so sometime in the future, probably not soon sadly since I have no computer of my own, I'll be shoving all these entries into an USB and deleting them on here but for now I need somewhere to write that'll be relatively safe.
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