I'm 18 I'm getting old this sucks. I'm no longer jailbait that sucks too cause it's legal to more openly harrass me now
They bought me a big chocolate cake I just stood there I haven't had a birthday cake since I was like 14. I can't digest cake and I can't digest chocolate so it was basically cyanide for me but I didn't say anything just managed not to throw up later. I still appreciate the symbology of it even if I couldn't digest it
I fought with mom because I agreed to a laptop and were trying to choose it and either she has the blalant blindless or the nerve to say "This computer isn't for your birthday it's so you study" aparently normal people would take that by just smiling and waving on I of course am not normal it would seem and threw it back at her and all hell broke loose. I interpret that from someone that *loves* to cheaply manipulate As "It is so I can push you into whatever college I want whenever i want."
Before you know it she's going off on how I'm your typical rebellious teenager who wants to run off to work at burger king for the rest of his life. That hurts me badly she should know better I just rant off on how dares she. I want a degree, I'm not your typical teenager that's obvious, I like learning christ that's aparent, I want a good job and a house to eventually support my own family anyone who knows an inkling of me knows that as a fact. Her best apology is "Well I don't listen to what people but how they act" which is the stupidest thing when you combine it with the fact she always expects and thinks the worst about people, including me, especially me. So me not accepting a gift clearly stated to be with the purpose to control and manipulate me automatically means I want to not only cut and run but cut and run and become a slacker with no life. The hell?
I shouldn't be insulted by this? I'm not treated only like a child but a very stupid irresponsible child and the truth is the complete opposite once again anyone who knows me, friends/teachers/coworkers, know that which is why it hurts and offends me from her she's my MOTHER and for some reason even though she pulls crap like that on a daily basis since i was born I still care what she says and it still hurts me. I know she's just worrying and has the bad deal of being dominant and controlling to an unhealthy degree but christ everyone can do some introspection and empathy.
We fought over other stuff once again revolving about how I will doom myself by doing anything but what she says. We finally had a civlized conversation after I placed the phone down and left for 7 minutes no lie and came back and she was still ranting. I stated you've been talking for 7 minutes staright this isn't a conversation and so she calmed down.
We actually had a human to human conversation it was surreal after so much arguing over the years these things are just unreal when they happen. Best line was getting her to understand that, If I bring up something that disagrees with her it doesn't mean I'm challenging her or am going to do it without her advice or approval. It means I'm trying to talk it over with her and do it with her support. Conversations don't get that far it took 7 years of brutal arguements to get that point across but hey she actually got it and we sincerely apologized to each other. It really made my night better again. The deal for the laptop is up again.
The aunt that came over for my party is leaving again today so the birthday was in the a.m. to take advantage of the technicality, none of us really sleep so it was fine. Don't know if anyone will surprise me this "day". I basically got cargo pants, books, a backpack and the promise of a laptop that will not be used to blackmail me. Things are nice overall.
Well some family members I never met came over. When I heard so I dreaded it because stuff like that goes like hey were family it means were best friends!
They were nice though they were religious but humble and very sweet. My aunt a 60 year old lady had adopted
an adopted girl and her daughter had her own. They were under 13 and 9 and very energetic. My aunt went neurotic and kept serving them all cake and ice cream even though they didn't want it. The the adults didn't even eat it.
I kept them entertained talking about random stuff and such you know it's
a bad sign when all you end up talking about the weather. They were nice they bored the sense out of me but they were nice very mundane and stereotypical though just kind and well-meaning enough for me to be inclined to smile and wave for their sake.
I went on a walk with my other aunt. First time in over a month I go out. She took a bunch of pictures and I climbed a tree it was fun though I scraped my hands bad
Oh and I played with a stray cat
I also pinned my leg moving furniture upstairs from the basement to accomodate the guests. Still it's been nice just very tiring. Grandpa had fun
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