Let's start with your name. Seb
And how is your day going? Great morning not so great evening
Why is that? I was alone in the house then I wasn't
What color shirt are you wearing? Black
Where'd you get it? Don't know it's old and faded probably was someone else's before me
What do you think about bananas and chocolate? I had a bana split with chocolate syrup on it? tis was good
Have you ever tried MANGO and chocolate? Have you?
Fondu machines, they're pretty cool, right? Wha?
You get three wishes. What are they? Freedom, Soulmate and.... 3 more wishes
Are you religious? I believe in achieving Spirituality and in God I renounce anything that's tainted by man that includes organized religion so not sure on the answer there, I am spiritual?
Do you like to drink the juice out of freeze pops? Yesss
What's your favorite class if you're still in high school? History but with the teacher that left
Do you have a job? Had
¿Hablas Espanol? Cara de pija si puedo -.-
Do you like to write? I do though I get really OCD over it
Sunny - D. It's amazing. Right? I LOVE IT! I haven't drank one in years but yes I do love it
What do you think about Dane Cook? He's quite funny I like him
How about Nicole Richie? Ah if i knew who that was
Do you have an iPod? What kind/color? I do it's at the store they're keeping it safe for me there until I get money
When was the last time you took your temperature? No idea
Do you remember what is was? Probably took it because I had a fever
Is your heart smiling right now? It's tired leave it be
Do you watch America's Next Top Model? No die in a fire
What about American Idol? FIRE!
Is Simon Cowell rude or right? Both.
Do you drive yet? I can
If not, how long until you do? I can drive!
Are you craving anything at the moment? Yes I am
When you were little, did you think they're were monsters under your bed? Yes I i'd try talking to them I know that's a tad messed
Are you dangerous or cautious? Both depends on my mood and the amount of sugar and caffeine in my system
Have you ever been to [link]? I can't click it.. I can't... CLICK... I CAN'T WHY CAN'T I WANT TO CLICK-
Is Jessica Biel hot? She's an anorexic curve-less stick with more make up on than a clown if you like that sort of thing then yes
Have you ever seen Chuck and Larry? Nay!
Do you like Chinese food? Yesh
Vitamin water? I find it sort of silly but I like it
Say something random. I really should learn to be more stern and just say "No". I can't do it to stupid irritating people... I feel bad for them it's not their fault they are stupid and annoying they don't even know they do it
The survey's done now. What are you doing next? Talk to Kat or Jordan then make a phonecall
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