What is it with people?
You stagnate in your fear and cling to conformity.
Why is it we are born so happy and spontaneous.
Then society or life if you wish to call it comes and changes it. Life of course would be terming it as the natural order of things
It turns people into selfish bitter automatons with no higher thinking abilities who do not ponder life or anything higher than themselves day after day.
They spend their lives slaved to a meaningless existence of slowly amassing the means to sate their selfish materialism... which eventually amounts to... what exactly?
I find it all unnatural and diseased that is why my friends I will always be immature a philanthropist and see anarchy as a very beautiful but unachievable utopia
Life should be about friendship, learning and love!
Read what Anarchism is if you're imagining civil unrest and disorder it's quite the contrary. If I ever start a family I hope it works on the basis of the true meaning of it
I was reading some of Pablo Neruda's work and came across this I would like to share a part of it
"I don’t love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz
or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as certain dark things are loved,
secretly, between the shadow and the soul."
Sonnet XVII (fragment)
Makes me happy
Anyways true love is loving someone more than yourself it's giving someone the power to hurt you but trusting them not to.
It's taking the risk of letting them see what is underneath and hoping they'll still love you.
Personally I don't believe there are people who are completely emotionally strong.
There are pretenders and there are the dehumanized ones either out of necessity or from pretending to be for too long.
I won't criticize it because it would be hypocrisy since I do it to strangers around out of fear of trust mixed with arrogance but that's exactly what I mean!
We all hide our true selves from others out of insecurity.
It's just an opinion mind you I could be wrong
One more thing that I'd like to remark...
Why does everyone find anorexia sexy? There was an artistic nude on the homepage and just
Curvy girls ARE sexy and NATURAL! Not like disgusting starved sticks....
Flat chested girls should stay that way it's alot sexier than having mutilated bloated breasts those things are gross and fake.
Just ugh... Females are beautiful and most of them can't see it worse most of them have self esteem over it
This might seem kinda ranty but I'm happy, I've been cooking and caring for the plants all morning
I've bee experimenting on the plants and the soil with iron and other minerals. A very large number of small Snails gathered around and lapped a collagen supplement up it was odd in a thrilling way
Well I'm off
Ultio et Timor
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