Happy little green bastard's day
You know if you find a four leaf clover today a gang of leprechauns comes and murders you in your house mafia style
I got it badly today I'll be taking tutoring and coming home at FIVE IN THE BLOODY AFTERNOON because I'm flunking physics and math
A curse on math!
But I was also hand fed cookies which was fun haha
Been cleaning basically since I got home took a break to write this I have to go do makeup home tests soon!
This is quite interesting.
All the biological weapon development all over the world maybe an altered weaponized version of Toxoplasma gondii could create uncontrollable rabid feral infected humans okay that's a bit far but just modify their behavior?
Once saw this movie I can't remember the name but some little nanochips would lodge in your brain and make you buy certain products.
Maybe this has the biological potential of it or any other sort of radical behavior modification if altered properly as a weapon against other countries or a way to control the masses?
As it says you'll still be healthy while suffering from it... so extremely aggressive super soldiers? Masses that have the urge to buy farm fresh milk by the dozens and nothing else? Uncontrollable feral humans doing mayhem in the enemy's cities and tearing the country apart?
It has possibilities and I'm sorry if my musing sounds a tad machiavellic, just a little fascinated by it
Hmm what else what else...
I do indeed wonder why I have 3k page views I know I have bursts of activity on the forums but wow
Everyone should look at Staci's (Cherry Blossom's) profile she has really cool art way better than mine which deserves more pageviews than I do ...I feel guilty with so many
My ex has decided to come back into my life
Twice the drama queen as before, everyone disapproves of me speaking to her again but... I still care for her and I feel responsible
She lost weight I'm 100% sure she starved herself to do it and she's dating someone else.
The former unexpectedly hurt me really bad because I always told her how beautiful she was just the way she was.
The begging and fights over her eating.
But I'm glad for the latter takes some of the pressure of feeling responsible for her, she's making her own choices.
I told her to take care and be safe, she said
"There is no safe in the game I play"
I'm like "Try?" and she just left I'm like ugh she's probably drinking and smoking pot again... she kept it mostly in check when she was with me and I hated it so much... still do... bloody drama queen pulling that exit on me. .. I forget why I care, please remind me?
Jordan says I cant deal with this right now.
I think he might be right but I can't give her the boot... I still care and I still feel responsible for her I can't explain to myself *Why* but that's love it can't be truly explained or it wouldn't be love
I dislike what she's done and what she's become... I still see who I fell in love with in there somewhere... or maybe its the face of a loved one with a stranger's soul under it?
I just see her as someone I'm close to and care for, I have a great deal of trouble turning my back on people if I ever love them in the first place it's just not right for me to abandon them no matter the circumstances.
Plain stupid emotional stubborn loyalty for you
That it seems to be why I care even after all that's happened.
Only time will tell how this chapter plays out.
Thanks for readings
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