Well my graduation was yesterday. Mom managed to turn a somewhat hopeful looking morning into a nightmare of worrying and arguing. Too perfectionist, example: My tie was fine and she was trying to fix it which meant insignificantly moving it slightly to the left but she was doing it so frantically her hand slipped and smacked my jaw twice. She can't just enjoy anything can she?
We got there I put my robes and such. Got to stand about an hour literally with them over my suit it was a tad suffocating. We filed in, sat down crremony speech bla bla bla *2 hours later* we got awards. I got civic duty and the newspaper. Because I edit in the newspaper and I help teachers who are friends around enough for it to be obscene if I didn't get it. Everyone else got like 6 I really didn't mind a friend came over and told me. "You did more you're just too proud and outspoken making enemies with the administration but as I've always told you ignore their ignorance, in this too".
I guess he's right I really don't care what they think though. The school's a family buisness supposedly with no monetary interests yet the school's in decay. They fire teachers who are friendly and open minded in favor for strict textbook ones who don't know anything else than saying "Answer the questions on page 202 and shut up" and on the monetary interests? The school's in decay and they go to Argentina every year and do trips to places like Alaska or the Galapagos. They are Argentinean themselves and have numerous houses there, numerous yachts, show up with fancy cars. I'll call them money mongering and facist all I want. I'll be taking summer. Mother and daughter choreographed this when they handed me my medal.
Mother: Seb's graduating?
Daughter: Oh well I don't know I'll tell you about it in summer.
I'm like aww you wenches you rehearsed that for me?
Anyways Dad was at the graduation. He seemed happy at the start then he was arguing with mom. I dedicated my graduation to my parents. I thought about dedicating it to my grandparents but meh formality and respect. So I write here where none may read, I dedicate it to those that were there for me and were my pillars of support and love growing up.
My grandparents. Grandma I miss you a lot, I always have since you left so suddenly and quickly at the same time and I can't help but think it was all so unfair. I can't help but thinking everything would be better if you hadn't left and that you didn't have to go. I miss trusting you with everything no matter how embarrassing or silly.
Grandpa I love you too, you've been my father figure. I really hope I can go see you this summer and I hope you recognize me. I miss your company, your neverending knowladge and quirks.
I want to say I mean no disrespect to my parents by saying this they've tried they really have.
Circumstance has really impeded any functional relationship and even if you yell, swear, hurt me or are absent for years I know you love me and I love you too. I dedicate it to you too for being as supportive and caring as you've been because I know you wish you could've been more.
Right that was mushy and personal enough. Anyhow after le graduation twas the prom. You remember that girl I look after. People make fun of her, she's badly bipolar and constantly speaks alone? She basically stole me away for most of the night I didn't mind it. My official date just got drunk, talked with me when I sat down, we took pictures together then she was tipsy enough to go make out with her crush who unsurpisingly took advantage of it. That girl who kinda stalks me and has a crush on me was there looking a tad jealous and sad. I sat down to talk with her out of pity and she started making fun of the girl I was dancing with and laughing I told her I had to go to the bathroom and never came back. That was mainly it I danced to 60's songs and salsa, talked to friends and wore a hat, almost laughed at my friend turned wannabe ganster/stoner when he showed up dressed as a pimp (it's his hat I stole by the way) I got a hug from the girl I danced with. It made me sad because she said she would've spent it alone otherwise which is probably true. There's talk about a graduation gift which is odd but do I dare hope? Aye I shall.
All in all it was fun
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