I have my College Board test tomorrow I think what most of you would know as an SAT test?
I should probably be studying for it not reading a mythology encyclopedia and being on DA...
I'm taking it again. I was the 2nd highest score in my school but it's irrelevant to certain people.... I still *can* do better this is the sort of crap that pisses me off first then makes me sad rawwr. Will try my best tomorrow though
I was watching the news this kid walked into some college and shot a bunch of people
I don't know why he did it, I know the Virginia kid had his reasons, don't get why people don't understand that.
But then you have people who leave notes saying "I wanted to go out in style".
What the hell? if you want to die in style walk into some crack house and start shooting junkies until the cops start caring and gun you down, try carrying medical supplies into one of those civil wars always going on in Africa or south America, dedicate yourself to stalking serial killers and murdering them in their sleep!
Don't walk in a place people study to better their lives and shoot THEM randomly!
The high rate of stuff like that proves society is a dysfunctional organism. It forces on us too much stress, expectations, restraints and pressure it's all bloody unnatural and makes us sick.
I'm staying away from the news again they sour my mood...
For some odd reason I cry when other people cry and I can't help them. I'm weird... Unrelated with the news things. Now.
4 truths and a lie
1) I sleep naked
2)I want to be a teacher and a dad
3) I was in the boy scouts
4) I like the taste of blood
5) I'm a philanthropist and an Anarchist
Working on deviations bought a new notebook for personal use so i just walk around with it noting stuff down. Probably written stuff soon sorry if anyone was expecting drawings
Well I do want to draw Chaos Symbols I need pencils or markers for it though CHAOS!
I want a new hat... I like hats... SOMEONE GET ME A HAT?!
Our whole society is nothing more than frail idiotic rat race, destined to collapse under its own weight!
Whats the difference between a cupcake and a muffin?
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