Fri Jun 20, 2008, 8:35 PM
It worked

I wanted to plant a large patch of ground with some Morinda citrifolia trees. Transplant them into pots when they get big enough of course. So I dug a pit in the ground and filled it with organic waste, fruit and the fruit of the tree in question. It rained and it'd fill up and it'd stink as hell. I did get what I wanted though a rotting mush with the seeds in it. I took an afternoon and trimmed all the grass brutally, only mangled earth mixed with chopped up plants remained. Mixed the mush with mud and spread it over the newly cleared ground. That was about a week ago. There's tons of them sprouting up now ^_^ Noni trees go for a lot here :3 There's also a bunch of different plants I don't recognize that might have something to do with the other fruits I threw in lol
There's a lot of other different fruit trees growing in my terrarium I need more pots, actually I need more space

I'm really happy over it though

My cat keeps bringing me "gifts" and leaving them in the balcony she brought a rat almost her own size. I mainly grow fruit trees/plants or plants I can move into the backyard once they get sturdier. I have very few herbs, well I guess compared to the overall number of plants they aren't that few but I want more >:3 They need special care and a permanent pot or terrarium for themselves though which with all the fruit trees growing and leaving it gets a tad complicated plus they're more delicate so I'd feel safer with an irrigation system in case I'm gone for any ammount of time. I re-read a curative herbs book and I got the "I NEED TO HAVE AND GROW THIS NAO" syndrome again. I guess most people get something like that with shoes or video games well without the growing part. The only thing that gives me pause and worries me a tad about moving out is that I'll end up cooped up in an apartment without being able to have my plants or animals cause that would suck.
I get along with an old man who works at the dog shelter. They introduced me to him and said "He can teach you many things and if you need anything let him know". He has these huge glasses and is dressed in long boots and a coat he stares at me in all seriousness and goes. "The only thing I can teach you boy is how to pick up dog shit without breaking it". Then he gently presses his thumb and pinkie together while squinting and goes "Like that." I just stared then started laughing so hard and he did too. Some of the people who work there like that old man seem to be illiterate poor folk but they have kind hearts and great personalities though and I love them for that. My supervisor gets confused by big words or complicated concepts. She really acts like a kid and I think still has the mind of one, she's 53 mind you. She's completely devoted to working there with animals and she's the sweetest thing even if she goes haywire now and then and has no filter on what she thinks from what she says. It amuses me because I get along great with her, I hug her everyday before I leave. When she starts jumping on someone else's head I just can't help but smirk and feel sorry for them.
I really find them great people even if they are simple they're amazing. Nothing like the bitch-face cashier or the zombie employee. I enjoy their company they make my positive humanism, which usually flickered and raged in the face of ignorance and indifference of the world around me, seem worth something and by it expand it. It's like a recharge of positiveness

I've been experimenting with classical music and playing it while I sleep. It does work for me I sleep a lot better and deeper. I'm going to try it on planties when I can

I also need to get magnets I got an urge to experiment with them too but I'll need powerful ones. I actually made a list of things I need which would probably seem very odd to anyone else who read it

I burnt myself badly but then again I've always been more curious than cautious

I must sleep now
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