Well today I landscaped the front porch. The pavement segments are sinking and it was starting to get muddy and dirty as rain and time swallowed them. I figured I'd make something pleasant yet effective to hold the dirty, leaves and litter at bay. This all started when my aunt asked me to change the pots on some small bushes and clean the sidewalk which I did as well as raked and well I got rather inspired being outside with the plants and such. I really love creating things and missed my garden so I tried to figure ou what to do and it turns out the pavement was sinking so I decided to edge it with something then decorate the front porch. For Materials used well... simply whatever was around. Bricks, River rocks,, sticks, logs, wood shavings all scavenged from the surrounding wooded area. I'm rather saddened and amazed by the ammount of trash and litter there was around. I went around leaving small garbage "checkpoints" to retrieve later and picking out rocks and logs to drag back. I had a cart and some gloves as well as a small shovel but that was it. I made a river rock wall arrangement on the side that was most steeped and prone to muddy overflow and three large logs for the rest of the less sunken segment. I dug foundations for them all then refilled the empty points with some soil taking care in picking out the earthworms I say in the soil and holes. I did an arrangement with some old bricks with holes that I washed and arranged around two potted bushes. There were some smal fake gem looking blue trinkets being held on a cup on a statue looking frog which I placed in the holes of the bricks and corners. The fact it's under the plant's shade and the brick holes makes them sparkle in the most intresting way and alluring way. I washed the rocks, arranged them and the plants. Cleaned the sidewalk with the hose and picked out whole bags as well as an assortment of the neighbor's old toys, beer cans and bottles and all kinds of junk. I saw all sorts of odd looking bugs I'm not used to finding which I picked up and analyzed for short moments and tried to catch some wasps with an old coffee cup but they got loose and started buzzing around me and I ran 15 feet in 3 seconds then frantically looked about and just went back to work. I'd like to know what compels bugs to try to get into my nose and eyes. I know fruit flies do for trying to eat me an I just tell them I'm not dead yet and blow them away, I assume other bugs want to eat me too? Hmm I met some neighbor's and gae their kids all their balls and old toys back, there was this really small girl that kept asking me what I was doing and how and I just explained or tried to leverage on getting the huge river rocks out of the ground as well as showed her the bugs I found around and also telling her not to pick funny looking bugs without gloves. Her dad came over and talked to me for awhile I'm not too charmed on the 12-15 beer bottles and numberless cans I picked up so I pointed the ammount of trash I picked up and continued the conversation without looking at him and kept working, he eventually left. I felt mildly upset at my reaction afterwards he seemed friendly enough, some people just aren't aware of such things. It took me most of the day but I made everything neat and organized. I did it all with a bannana, two peaches and a bottle of water. By the power of fruit! I left the whole area pockmarked with holes where i pulled the big rocks out. It turned out really well I might take pictures later and put them in scraps.
Back home one of my dogs ran away which makes me really sad that I wasn't there to look for her and nobody did for a whole day. My cat who loves me and no one else has gone feral. Mom's doing things by herself and hates it. She's taking the trash out and opening the gate. I don't know about the dishes and cleaning I used to do... I don't want to know either honestly. She says she *needs* me. Give me a break, yes dad left when i was really little and I got the "You're the man of the house" outlook beaten into my skull and my childhood murdered. Still it made me stronger and much more mature than my peers so I don't resent it. Suffering mades us who we are for better or worse. I've had my share and I'm happy with who I am so I hold no ill will. Expecting me to live in however is a joke though.
Anyhow my landscaping. My aunt absoloutely loved it. I took a very long shower and took out the trash as well as extra diapers and ferret poo. My aunt asked me if I was hungry and I took a moment to realize I was slightly lightheaded and it was 8p.pm. so she got me burger king. I very much so dislike fast foods but that just shows how well people know me.
I'm immersing myself in the Lovecraftian horror masterpieces since Edgar llan Poe got me a taste for older horror Authors. I've always dabbled here and there with lovecraft but now I'm devouring whatever I find from H.P. lovecraft like a man possesed. I added the eldar gods on myspace
creatures most wicked. Typhon was their patriarch, him and his beasties trod the unfinished earth. Typhon, their patriarch consort to echidna, had many heads and arms. ANyhow without further ado
[link] That fits my mental image perfectly.
Well that's it for now... I must be off.
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