Well I must say this entry here is nothing more than a mild rant and description of happenings I just felt like writing, nothing special though so
So Evangelists hypnotized me and my aunt she thought it was an awesome epiphany. I can hypnotize people myself so I recognize a few keys to induce a relaxed trance. This old couple came over they started praying basically repeating 4-5 sentances in aleternate sequences both at the same time in a calm soothing voice until it was a pleasant drone one waved one hand in perfect syncronization over my face making a steady shadow pass over my closed eyes and they did this for around 15-20minutes. They talked to grandpa after that for about 5minutes and he kept talking about the purpose of the flying frog which made them uncomftrable, he then wouldn't repeat the cleansing prayers and they looking quite uneasy told me to read a psalm. I did something about how god will always be with you and smite your enemies, topple their civlizations and kill all their first borns. Left an ashen taste in my mouth I was hoping they'd give me something about love and peace. Then they promptly just left after less than 10minutes which struck me as extremely rude since they as Church people said were coming over to pray for him aparently finding him unresponsive and incoherent changed that. They sat in the living room with my very responsive aunt romanticizing her with holy stories and creed for 2 and a half hours and drinking tea, she loved it and won't stop talking about it.
I for that entire time just sat with grandpa who looked rather sad at their depature without explaining completely about the flying frog. I held his hand and went along as best as I could as he talked and lapsed and talked once more. He talked a lot I brought him water he drank it exclaiming it was the greatest water ever because of the atoms that find each other in it. I was holding his hand the entire time all of a sudden he starts stiffly moving both our hands torwards his face. I thinking was thinking he was trying to scratch his nose but he just kissed my hand and I gave him a hug put the bed's metal handrail down, brough a pillow and fell asleep on the ledge of the bed. I woke up later he was asleep my aunt came over and dragged me off to the living room. To hear tales of how god cures cancer, getting cold stares when I ask if the blessed one also took chemo and a curt "Yes". Such an irrelevant fact to omit eh?
Today I had a speech about latin pride. For the mere fact I leave the room whenever a spanish program comes on. Not my fault all they show are celebrity news shows which I don't care for in any language. Celeberties don't care about me or you so why is following their lives so interesting to some?
Barely competent local news in which they call a jellyfish bloom a "sea gelatin" bloom attacking our coast.
Dear god man I'd do a better job as an anchor they say the most horribly mistranslated things. Yet I wouldn't want the job. Why? because they love stereotyping more than celebrity news! When you start using favoring or judgemental adjectives when you should be neutral as a news station eh well nobody cares. Besides the blalantly incompetent capabilities and demonizing of everything from large dogs to fruit and the dangers of texting and walking they are just meh. I hate CNN too but at least they seem official and competent in lying and keeping the fear factor steady these guys just go way overboard. I hate news in general as well as commercials with a vigorous hatred where they show situations in where not having said product causes humiliation or great grief. If not it causes women to caress you and great happiness. It goes from shampoos to credit cards and it sickens me. Constant bombardment of the most cheaply manipulative basely psychological repetetive shit and that's why I always mute them
The Soap Operas make me want to projectile vomit out of every orifice with their flawless characters and their stereotypes. The actors who look like kens and barbies that nobody with a regular job will look like. The overly religious tones and one sided judgemental plots of good always triumphs and prince charming rescues his fair maiden who is in need of rescuing. The plots are just horribly one sided and stupid. There is so much gray to life yet everyone chooses to paint it white and black and these things glorify that dumbed down view which is the boradcasted daily bread for thousands if not millions. These judge shows I mean come on I have lawyer in my blood I know the laws well enough to say that show and most like them are hyped up void stupidity that would never hold up in the real world. The sad part is PEOPLE THINK IT'S REAL.
*ahem* Nobody walks into a courtroom says he attacked his stepfather with a knife everyone goes boohoo we love each other once more thanks wonderful fake judge and show they agree to counselling and he walks away. Nor can the basis of sexual preferance, resignation of faith, well personal beliefs or issues irrelevant to actual law be actually used in court and here you have a judge telling a kid to go back to church and embrace catholic religion or that homosexuality makes him become a stalking pedophile later in life. Now isn't that a disgusting biased view not only that it's broadcasted? Who regulates these shows? Sad thing once again is these are the top rated shows for the latin crowds which my aunt worships.
I just watch the science channel, discovery channel, history channel, sci-fi channel and HBO and i'm picky with those. Anyhow this latin pride speech stems from the fact I dislike soaps, incompetent news, celeberty shows and fake judge shows. She aparently assumes these devil ridden english speaking channels are all american loving propaganda since you know the latin ones are basically that with a latin focus. Regardless the shows I watch are documentaries on animals, ancient civilizations, technology, the human body or movies with decent plots. Now I must also mention I am not a fan of the U.S. goverment and their choices in the present or in the past I find nothing attractive or interesting for me in american history or culture unless you want to include the native american indian mythology.
I'm more for Europe you know greeks, romans, modern philosophy: Machievelli, Hobbes, Nietzsche, Locke there is always of course the ancients Plato, Aristotle and Socrates but anyhow. I'm quite fascinated with the Celts and the Norse. Head down to africa and asia in myths and culture because it's so rich and different it's just bloody fascinating in every way. Egypt of course is beautiful so are the ancient civilizations in south american but those are gone.
Back on track this long annoying speech comes from the fact that "Spain was the great civlization in the world and we are descendants from it I mean there is still racism in the U.S. and the conquistadors came preaching love and peace and treating the natives as humans."
Had to resist raising my hand and asking why were they wiped out by nothing but such a tender message of love then but I soon found out. Not to mention the weird innacurate facts glorfying spain.
"They had to kill the aztecs and the incas and all of them because they didn't follow god and they did barbaric things like human sacrifice."
The hell? That's a nice basis to support the genocide of a civlization isn't it? I mean the Crusades are then justified by that too so are the witch hunts so is basically anything I mean god told abraham was it? to kill his soon and everyone goes well that's fine. Religion will justify *anything* which is why it's so dangerous and harmful, everyone makes their own and struts about self righteously thinking they have the right to do anything by divine permission. Ironic there are wars in which the soldiers on both sides pray to the same god for victory and protection is it not?
Anyhow back on the whole spain is noble shining beacon of christ we are of course overlooking the fact the natives were also used largely as slave labor. She then goes off to say how the U.S. bombs all over the world a real anti-war/american speech which I won't argue and agree for the most part if she wasn't stereotyping americans as whole like some sort of alien race to develop xenophoibia torwards. As that wasn't enough my mom has told her I dislike soaps so my aunt goes on to tell me how soaps portay real life situations and it's good to see them now I think I smirked at that though I wanted to burst out laughing at such idiocy. Once again a lot more gray to the world than clearly defined black and white. Still they don't come close to defining what real life is because there is no happily ever after and there aren't any stereotypes of pure evil and pure good walking about in family groups facing each other. There are just personalities, cause and effect and factors that mould our situations and how we act on them the plots are too simple to begin to encompass anything close to real.
That said I consider my "race" as a genetic random blunder of life nothing to influence who I am or how I act and I extend that to others. I do love the land I come from it's beautiful, diverse, warm and lush. I love the traditional food from there for it's deliscious simplicity that reflects that the most numerous class that shaped the culture was poor and had to make do with what was around. Funny how traditional foods reflect history. Never been one to be blindly culturally patriotic but my diverse mindset and the fact I've never been that social probably contribute to that.
Well I'm off that's that I love my grandpa, my aunt gets on my nerves and religious people hypnotized me.
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