Happy Halloween Boils and Ghouls!
Do not wear costumes that make you appear as an innocent furry animal, Sarah Palin might shoot you
Spending my favourite holiday alone which is rather disheartening. Yet it was enjoyable nevertheless though amusingly it didn't vary much from my usual doings. Took a long walk at dusk, dawn and night. Read "At the Mountains of Madness" by Lovecraft and listened the entire day of Nox Arcana as ambient backdrop. I watched some halloween TV specials. I've said this before and I repeat myself "splatter" and "gore" horror fails, it's the most cheap way of horror based on the most childish fear of vurnerability and graphic mutilation. You know it'll revolve around unevitable and great bodily harm by the antagonist. I find it simply foolish since it does not affect me. I would note I love good monster movies greatly even if it's just a monster ripping heads and splitting bodies open, there's still the unknown factor and come on I love beasties and monsters. So yes I will go with splatter films as long as they'll include zombies or inhuman creatures and an interesting plot. Halloween, Jason, Freddy so on. Unstoppable slasher tearing teenagers apart...BORING.
Decapitations, dismsmberment, bludgeoning, stabbing, slashing, crushing, burning, disembowlment are all logical things for me. I would be unnerved if they stabbed a guy in the stomach and nothing came out. I wanted to be a Pathologist since I was 11 and into my early teen years, it seemed like a good paying job nobody else wanted and I didn't mind plus it did and does interest me. This trend went on until I was naive enough to mention it to my family and they reprimanded and outraged so much over me even thinking of such unnatural and unchristian profession choice.
To the point the kind of horror I favor and enjoy in both movies and books is Psychological Horror. It's sublte it deals with what people have under their skin. Their thoughts, their hopes their dreams. Takes fears, guilt, beliefs, sanity, the unknown and emotional instability to heightened levels. The shadowy parts of ourselves we deny and repress and the questions how much can we take when the world and reality we take for granted, that reassures us of our sanity is swept off from under our feet. How far can the human mind go and how much can sanity take as well as what it actually is. I greatly admire and enjoy the works of Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft.
Some mystics and thinkers try to understand the greater picture, the greater reality. Lovecraft's stories twist this ideal by his characters going mad at the glimpse of the greater alien reality which the human mind is not meant to comprehend. Man is an arrogant creature thinking it can master anything and everything in the universe and lovecraft's works usually humble that ideal. Let me find a quote two seconds...
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity; and it was not meant that we should voyage far."
-The Call of Cthulhu
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown..."
-H. P. Lovecraft, Supernatural horror in Literature
Stephen King, I've written about his works before. He starts his short stories with a perfectly mundane setting. Joe and his wife with their child timmy living in Oregon falling behind on their taxes. He then tears it apart with inhuman horrors and unexplainable madness that are hidden in such mundane settings. You go along for the ride with the protagonist. His slowly decaying sanity, questioning of reality and everything he once took for granted which I tell you is a good read for me. Since I did it with Lovecraft I'll find one by King. My favorite quote from "The Mist" by Stephen King:
"I spent half of last night thinking I must have flipped out of my gourd, that I was probably in a straitjacket in Danvers, raving my head off about bugs and dinosaur birds and tentacles and that it would all go away as soon as nice orderly came along and shot a wad of Thorazine into my arm"
I won't do a quote with Poe, i'd like to move from authors, but I will recommend you the "Black Cat", "King Pest", "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Cask of Amontillado".
As a sidenote I downloaded WoW and played for a bit. I got a two headed dog "The Kurken" with the new exotic beasts ability. I'm sending the computer back but I'll play sporadically until then. No point in getting another game for it since it'll be gone in less than week. As well as no point in downloading the pictures off the camera to be able to take more because I'd lose them once it's sent back. I don't think I'll play it again after that I pretty much got bored with it after an hour.
I will extend this later I want to sleep now. I just wanted to cover up the last entry and muse a bit.
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