It was a long trip. I hadn't gone to dad's for about 3 and a half years and started talking to him and seeing him again a few months ago. We got to the new house a bit late, they moved their about 2 and a half years ago so everyone was like you don't know we lived here now?! I'm like
They all look the same. I greeted my stepmom and stepsister. My stepsister had twins and my stepbrother had a son both weren't planned pregnancies. I'm just like how the hell do you both? condoms? whey? I didn't ask though just said it was wonderful that they did
The house is huge and mansion-like which is ironic because they lived in a shitty rented place before. It was late so I just showered, read and went to bed. The next morning I went downstairs and met two angels, my stepsister's twins, they were on some rainbow pad thing they have to play on in the living room. They're about 6 months old and just lay there playing with toys well putting them in their mouths really, sleeping or watching tv. I noticed my stepsister was struggling with the bottles and the phone and told her i'd feed them. I fed them and played with them for awhile. I don't really know their names which is sad I just know one of them is darker skinned and one is paler. Everyone calls them by slang words in spanish for white and black so that didn't help nor did the fact their real names were made up alike hippy names.
So the darker skinned one is much more alert and focused. The pale one is just content with drooling and staring off into the distance for some reason everyone spoils her. So my favorite became the dark skinned one. I would ask her stuff or talk in whole sentances to her and she'd concentrate or furrow her eyebrows the other one would just drool and stare at something.
They both like grasping one of my fingers which I then wave around and beep their noses with which makes them giggle and they like being sung to. The pale one wouldn't stop crying though and i tried everything: Being placed on her back, on her tummy, poop, pacifier, food, being picked up... all failed! Letting her pull on my eyelids and screaming in a highpitched mock voice.. success!
Someone was always picking up and taking the lighter skinned one away and I was screaming racism! so I started carrying the dark skinned one around. My stepsister was like stop spoiling her! I'm like but I can't help but spoil such an adorable thing!
I did spoil her...
By the afternoon she cried when I placed her down and pushed her mom away when I tried giving her
I hummed to them until they fell asleep while massaging their heads. I noticed their heads and faces are covered by fuzz and that the top of their skulls are missing. i know it develops after you're born but it was still a really odd feeling
I went outside because my stepbrother broke a pipe and they were digging a trench to find the pipe under the backyard and replace the whole thing. Someone hands me this *huge* pick. I'm like fine I can do this I lift the bloody thing and i'm about to swing-"Swing gently you might break the pipe"
How do I swing this gently?! so yes lifting it and then controlling the heavy fall made it hell 45 minutes later I dug 5 feet long, 4 feet down and said screw this and handed my dad the pick. My stepbrother came over (the guy who broke the pipe).
It was like a scene from a stupid rap video. His car pulls over and he gets out with his sunglasses, two six feet tall 300 pound black guys get out the back with a pitbull and a slutty dressed girl out the passenger seat.
He walks over with his retinue and goes "Sup". I'm standing there caked with mud and grass and say "Just trying to fix the pipe, I'd give you a hand but I'm covered in mud" he just replies "That's cool" and goes inside I'm just like "Prick.."
Once the pipe got a temporary fix because everyone was baking and tired in the sun. We took turns to shower. I amused myself while waiting by telling my stepsister I'd hug the girls being covered in mud and grass it made her scream "Noooo" in differing pitches of voice depending on how close i got to the play pad.
Then I went downstairs and my stepbrother and his gang were playing pool, drinking, smoking and listening to loud rap music... my stepmom was cooking their barbecue...
As with most people I don't like I gave him a nickname. The "Untouchable" because he can do all this. He can think he's a badass pimp, not help with anything, total two cars driving drunk, get his girlfriend spontaneously pregnant *again*, get to smoke and drink out the back with whichever filth he chooses to drag in and nobody.. NOBODY can say anything because he's mommy's boy. On the other hand my stepsister which helps with everything and has two girls is constantly talked down to by her mom for getting pregnant.. the irony isn't remotely amusing.
It got late so I helped with the dishes still politely declining the alcohol they kept trying to push on me every 15 minutes which they eventually and mercifully gave up on. I found a roach perched on my stepsister's toothbrush and killed it. I got an awkward hug for it because the roach comes out at night and she was too scared to kill it so she'd brush her teeth with a new brush in the kitchen sink. I helped tuck the girls in and watched three movies: Road trip, Final Destination 3 and American Psycho.
Road trip was funny and Tom Green rocks!
It was fun and oddly enough I'd like to go over again
I'm off
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