I take melatonin for what little sleep I get but I took something for my tummy ache. I could drink the sleeping pills but... but this is how Heath Ledger died!
Anyhow I shall write about my expedition to Chinatown. We took a train and I re-read "The Mist" by Stephen King. We arrived at chinatown and there were those street sellers, some selling dvd movies and going "dvd" only they said it extremely fast like 3 times a second so you were walking past them and it just went "dvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvd". Some guy asked me if I wanted watches and I said sure then I followed him about and he sold me some for a decent price. There were fruit stands with flies and fruits *I've* never seen before and some I've only read about so I was thrilled about that
Mom decided to stop at every 5 dollar shop along the way which sold EXACTLY the same thing. Bags, watches, sunglasses, jewllery, now repeat that with slight variations 40 times.
We got to the antique shops and the "luck" shops. Which of course attract me like a moth to a flame.
I got some jewllery in jade, a blunt sword, some charms and fetishes. No I didn't buy anything sexual since everyone I talk to about seems eager to believe, pervs. Essentially fetishism is the attribution of power to an object. As in Idolatry, Animism, Totemism. Freud used the concept to describe a form of paraphilia in which the object of arousal or in some cases affection is an inanimate object or a specific part of the human body. *ahem* well class is over.
There was this amusing incident in which I was inspecting these wooden flasks with really nice carved scenes around it, I actually bought one. They seemed to depict monks doing daily chores. Mom comes over and picks the ones next to them, some in porcelain. These showed chinese figures from what seemed the imperial period in sexual acts. These were hardcore too I won't go into detail but they were into it, hands going places too or helping and all. So she puts it down with a slight gasp of horror and picks another which depicts a different position and a third with another. I'm just stifling giggles and this lady comes over with a stern face and red robes "How may I help you?". I intercepted her from going to mom who was probably in shock by asking prices on some jade bracelets.
We ate at some chinese restaurant there was free jasmine tea which I loved. I ordered some pork Lo'mein, mom got some chicken brocoli this took us a bit and we basically did it by signs and pointing with the waiter. Mom got something that was tough, fibrous and stringy that tasted like seafood. I got my pork and mom took some, she didn't seem to eager to eat her white meat-like meal. I just kept taking while remarking "Can I have some monkey?" or "Can I have some turtle?" each time I took some I chose some exotic animal. Twas good fun
We went to southseaport where we bought nothing but saw everything, I had bought enough and mom never buys anything. Ate some fruit crepes which are the oddest things I've seen, not tasted but seen. We went by Little Italy which what the hell was all restaurants and we were full.
I was looking for a silver celtic ring but never found any. I bought mine in a dusty Bazaar by the sea back home and to my everlasting regret... lost it. I don't have a lot of prized possesions, barely none at all but that was one so I've been hunting for one.
We headed back by train. We got here around 9:30p.m which is something since we left at 10 a.m. and walked the whole place never sitting down except in the trains. I took of my soes fully expecting them to be swollen but they were just really red. I took a shower and ate a cold meal then watched some documentary on the galapagos islands with grandpa and he seemed lucid enough so we talked about the animals. I showed him the stuff I got and he held it for awhile, then we kept watching the tv. He gripped my hand for over and hour and switched hands to keep holding it. Either he missed me or he was doing it out of reflex, I gave him some food unsurprisingly he didn't eat much but he ate more than usual so I let it go and we kept watching the tv. I have a dominant-passive deal with the remote control I merely hold it for the entire time I'm watching something. Learnt this when my aunt came by three different times and switched the program halfway because her soaps were on. Funny how these little things disencourage people.
I must go now
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