I went to watch Spiderwick yesterday
Went to school today something was wrong with one of my friends. He denied anything being wrong. I can tell when there's something wrong.
I got really irritated though I mean honestly. I'm not stupid, I can read people's emotions and I know him well and were close, just tell me you don't want to talk about it or we'll talk about it later. Which I did get him to confess after awhile.
I'm friend's with the music teacher. We have a book fair going on and I walk by he's reading some game cheats book and I go you're such a nerd and he's like shut up you sound like my girlfriend and I replied is that a compliment?
So the man I'm supposed to be personal assistant to isn't around so I went to the music classroom.
He's got the kids playing Guitar Hero I once had to stay with that class so they know me I said Hi and gave high fives and sat down.
I'm like what you've done is beautiful these kids are future rocking metal heads unlike all the others the future retarded wannabe gangstas *wipes away fake tear*
This girl walks over, I want a daughter like her. When we first talked she was very polite and smart then she told me I want to grow up to be Goth, I said well you got you're stereotype figured out at an early age so I guess that's good. She's like well my sister is I'm like ah. She's always a sweetheart to talk to. She's so quiet and conservative.
She's surprisingly witty for a 10 year old too her friend is Carlos. He's horribly shy and quiet but I know it's insecurity which I counter by laughing loudly or exclaiming at any joke he does which causes him to be louder, happier and make more jokes and get hyper. Just boosting his self esteem :)
So I sat there going "GOOD GOD HE'S BROKEN HIS ARM! LET ME RESET IT FOR YOU!" He's like It's not really broken! also had to shock him back to life, give him CPR he had a thing about dying today. Andrea told me about bands and life, she also told me I remind of her cousin because he's nice, skinny and funny that made me smile.
I kinda stayed there the whole period which got me in trouble this guy walked in "They're looking for you and they're not happy" I'm like Fu- *bites tongue and gets up* They're all where are you going? I'm like I'm in trouble I have to go don't set anything on fire! they laugh and I ran out.
I drew at lunch, had no money to eat. Symbols and little monsters as always of course I find it fun, most people think I'm crazy.
All the other classes were boring as usual. Been taking the same classes since 6th grade. I wish there was a mythology class I'd be bloody perfect in it.
Math humbled me today, well it always does I might look calm, bored or thoughtful in every other class but there I just look lost and confused.
Thing is they paired us and I got this stoner jock which I have of course the same disdain for as for something I just stepped on. It was really weird because he was nice and polite in a street slang way.
I have anti-social tendencies I see most people I don't know as things to be avoided or just selfish narrow minded little creatures, usually both.
Oddly enough if I get attached to someone I'm empathetic to the extreme, terribly affectionate and worry constantly if there's something wrong with them. Thing is the act of explaining stuff to me kind of humanized him which was weird.
The I walked home went past 3 used condoms which was creepy. Got home, showered and fell asleep I slept from 2 in the afternoon and woke up at 9p.m. there's something wrong with my biological clock.
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