I had a bit of a serious argument and got all got moody, sullen and withdrawn and wrote this in five minutes *ahem* quote:
"Little humans most of you annoy me you speak words for the sake of speaking words you do not analyze if what you are saying is right or wrong or if I even want to hear it.
You spout idiocy for the sake of it.
The pointless word vomit coming from your mouth isn't amusing or intelligent it's just noise... annoying noise that reminds me how chronically stupid people are
Speak if you have truly have something to say and I want to hear it if not be quiet you disturb my peace..
Do not speak to me about your materialistic greed and selfish ambitions
Your self absorption disgusts me
Do not speak to me on how the innocence of others makes them stupid and you better than them
Innocence is purity
Do not speak to me about your twisted racist ideals and your intolerance.
I know it's the only thing you can come up with to feel superior and proud of in your pathetic meaningless life.
Do not speak to me about pain and loss.
You do not know the meaning of it you ungrateful fool.
Society is so superficial, artificial and diseased it makes me sick.
People are born into it, into fake little selfish lives, into arrogance, intolerance, hate and stereotypes.
They're turned into emotionally and spiritually constipated creatures that only think of themselves, quite willing to step on and use others.... This is accepted as the natural order of things.
You stagnate in your fear and cling to conformity.
Existential brute infants flailing wildly with no regard for anything but themselves.
I call them infants yet pity's too good for such men and women only contempt does it for me.
Is the purpose of life truly just self satisfaction and ego feeding?"
I am not encompassing Mankind. This is just towards people I personally know are like that or may be like that.
If the brand doesn't fit you I'm not trying to put it on you.
I'm not perfect nor I claim to be but apparently everyone figured it was towards them.
(One guy understood this and asked for clarification if it was general or not as civilized considerate people should)
I think you see me as a bitter bastard locked in my room all day I would like to say.
I care for 8 dogs, serve as an emotional crutch for friends all the time, care for mentally handicapped kids as a work program and am pretty cheerful and open minded towards anyone who is towards me and others.
There are great men and women who are amazing and have done wonderful things I barely see anyone trying to follow their example though.
I do accept it was done in haste and not planned out very well I did apologize numerous times if I offended anyone.
I have no problem with having that shoes talk with a teacher that handles special care children and has bite marks on her arms from it, I have had it and it doesn't bore me or annoy me I might think she's silly and a tad cute from it.
The combination of greed, selfishness, inconsideration and arrogance makes me grit my teeth is all.
I can tolerate most of them by themselves as flaws but you couple any of them with arrogance and I can't stand them.
They hurt others or are uncaring and still they are utterly proud of themselves.
No, none of us are perfect but some of us try to better ourselves and the world around us I think that's what truly matters.
That is my purpose in life.
I have sat with "emotionless" tough guys and heard their fears and seen their tears.
I have held pompous ice queens while they cry their insecurities and stress.
I understand people are how they are mainly through circumstance.
"Don't judge a book by it's cover"
But if the cover hurts people I love and care for I feel I have a right to be angry, protective and upset over it.
I don't know what else to do really.
I really would've liked actual opinions on it and not just a fancy critiques and and I'm smarter and better than you replies.
Naive huh?
They're like constantly trying to get off with their own superiority
Guess the forums here are just to mindlessly criticize and stroke your ego... yes I figured they were for something else.
I am terribly naive I know leave me be
This was yesterday I'm still getting hate notes
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