Two things first one's short the second is considerably longer.
I wish to point out that there's a difference between physical maturity with emotional and mental maturity. If you lack the latter two there's a good chance you'll fare poorly with me especially if you back your authority up with the fact you're 23, have a job and the attitude of a five year old with a bloated ego.
So after you die... what?
You go to heaven where it is your job to smile down and help your loved ones until they also die then you... I don't know I guess there's a retirement plan or poker nights after that
You could take care of your children's children and their children but then that would mean there's your whole family tree looking after you and apparently they don't do much so it has to be your recently deceased ones for it to make sense then after that you go float around in pure bliss or play poker.. forever
If you go to hell you get to be in pain and unhappiness forever. Except if you're masochistic and enjoy pain and unhappiness then the little imps instead of torturing you they give you baths and massages and never hurt you... forever
Well that makes sense!
Hmm too sarcastic?
Whatever happened with there's no good without evil? Heaven if anything just makes me think of something more akin to a purgatory. It gives me the impression suffering people made it up to look forward to when they died and hell is just to scare people into obedience and conformity. I don't believe in either and I think "Eternal damnation" and "Eternal Bliss" are really shallow cheap ways to manipulate people. If there is an afterlife I'm quite sure it's nothing like that. Religions haven't existed since the dawn of humanity and the first deities in fact were fat fertility goddesses. If you want to ignore that your God and dogma sprouted at some point of human history because of a number of factors by all means I won't point it out again.
Believe what you want though, I don't care just don't push your beliefs on me. That includes looking at me with pity and trying to save my poor unguided soul.. looking at me like something you found on their shoe doesn't help convert me into your one and only truth. I don't hate people that do that I tolerate them because they're like PETA or bad parents.
The intolerance towards other religions is really annoying. I am sure your God is better than all the other Gods. therefore by divine right you can call them heretics, unbeliever and call down fire and brimstone speeches on them on how they will burn in the deepest fires of hell.
By the way Jesus wasn't white so stop painting him white with a six pack and clean brown wavy hair. He lived in the middle east in ancient times.. common sense please?
Then you got the people you see being pricks, drunks, woman beaters, child abusers, sluts so on all dressed up in church, with a rosary or claiming to be christians... How do people miss the irony!
For the record I was raised christian but lost someone in my life when i was nine and deeply questioned everything I won't give details. From there I guess I'm agnostic if not borderline atheist. I do believe in Jesus Christ as a role model to follow. I do what I feel is right and help others because it makes me happy and I think it's what matters in this world. I don't need to threat of eternal damnation to scare me into helping others or not doing evil deeds and anyone that does it for that reason (and a lot of people do) are doing it for the wrong reasons.
For me the end justifies the means if there's strong friendship or love involved and I have a near chivalric code of manners and duty. Not really easy to explain I'll jump in a fight or lie to protect someone and I'd never hit a woman so on I won't get into explaining it.
I am not against God but I am against religions. I'm against what people have created and made up calling it the one and only truth the way to which masses of ignorant sheep flock to for their promises of deliverance and their protection from the unknown and the diffrent. The bait of eternal happiness and the threat of eternal pain.. it's so primal and so simple.
Most of the "good" people are so because of fear of hellfire, divine retribution and their neighbor's wrath, out of fear. That is very depressing.
Whatever is the afterlife and whatever is divinity mankind has assumed and created much of it. Clouded it with superstition and fear and because of it we've barely scratched the surface of what they truly are.
Right I'm done
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