Name: Seb
Height: 5" 9'
Natural hair color: brown
Eye color: Brown
Number of siblings: nonexistant
Glasses/Contacts: None but I can't read at a distance... it's frustrating while driving or trying to find aisles in the supermarket. WHERE THE HELL IS THE BACTINE?!
Piercings: None and not too excited about getting any for the moment
Tattoos: None yet
Braces?: Nay yet on a sidenote I knew a guy who punched a guy who had braces in the mouth and his knuckles got torn to ribbons... Well I found it hilarious...
Color: Black, Purple and Green
Band: (s) Voltaire and Creature Feature
Song: (s) probably some of the above right now off the top of my head one of each to humor thee. "The Man Upstairs"- Voltaire and "Gorey Demise"- Creature Feature
Video game: Warhammer 40k- Dawn of War (expansions included)
TV show: Documentaries and such. History channel, Science Channel, Net Geo and those late stand up shows on HBO.
Movie: Pan's Labyrinth
Book: Complete tales of Lovecraft and Poe in one wondrous collection?
Food: Fish, Fruit and Veggies
Game on a cell phone: Bejewled
Scent: Wet Earth
Animal: Wolves, Anthropods and Cephalopods
Comic book: JTHM
Cereal: Honey Bunches of Oats
Website: Can't say I spend hours on any singular one
Celeb(s): Oh now you add an (s)... Celebrties don't acknowledge my existance why should I care about theirs? Stop and think about that you bunch of fanatical pop culture addicted monkeys! monkeys!
Do you:
Play an instrument?: I can play chopsticks on a piano...
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: I'm not sure 2 hours a day at most but it's not daily so I don't know.
Like to sing?: I can sing some songs well besides those no not really at least not in public.
Have a job?: No it's a duty!
Have a cell phone?: Getting one.
Like to play sports?: Soccer back in highschool and I do enjoy chess.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Hard to define right now but I wouldn't consider myself open or availiable to anyone else.
Live somewhere NOT in the united states: Used to might again.
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: Nay who the hell does?
Have any special talents/skills?: Animal Care and breeding, gardening and herbalism, Bad knock knock jokes, fixing things and cleaning like some janitor/handyman hybrid grawr, nursing, chess tactics, sarcasm, humming, I can control my pyromania and I possible have more patience than you.
Exercise daily?: Weights to techno music is a good daily exercise
Like school?: I want to go pwn teh college
Can you:
Sing the alphabet backwards?: Oh yeah we all practice that since kindgergarden... I can't though
Speak any other languages?: Yup Spanish
Go a day without food?: Have though it's wise to take sugary snacks if one is going to do that
Stay up for more than 24 hours?: Too often my friend too often
Roll your tongue?: Yes
Eat a whole pizza?: Depends on the size...small, medium or large?
Have you ever:
Snuck out of the house?: Is snuck proper? yeah but I try to return before I' missed that.
Cried to get out of trouble?: Nay
Gotten lost in your city?: Momentarily
Seen a shooting star?: I have 3 times and I'm waiting for them wishes
Been to any other countries?: Yes
Had a serious surgery?: Nay
Stolen something important to someone else?: No one does not steal items of value or importance cheap pens and rubber bands are fair game.
Solved a rubik's cube?: After like 20minutes
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: Yes!
Cried over a girl?: Yes...
Kissed a random stranger?: Naw
Hugged a random stranger?: Been arrested?: I believe they'd punch me or anyone who tried that
Done drugs?: Negatory good sir
Had alcohol?: Yes
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: Soda does hurt
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: Yes because I was on the floor I was getting off and it was after hours. I guess a janitor might've gotten pissed if he got on shortly after.
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: Yeah back in elemetary school when my mom drove me haha
Swore at your parents?: yes
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: It's more accurate and effective to punch
Been in love?: Am
Been close to love?: Me and love are best pals... not really
Been to a casino?: Yes
Ran over an animal and killed it?: No I ran it over and pieced it together then it got up and walked away...
Broken a bone?: No but a piece of broken chainlink fence went through my arm like *through*
Gotten stitches?: no but I do have a number of scars
Had a water balloon fight in winter?: Haha I like how you think!
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?: no
Made homemade muffins?: No
Bitten someone?: Yes
Been to Disneyland/disneyworld?: Yes
More than 5 times?: lol no
Disney World: yes
Disney Land: Wait what's the difference?
Been to Niagara Falls?: nope
Burped in someones face?: no
When's the last time you:
Brushed your teeth: This morning.
Went to the bathroom: 9 minutes ago.
Saw a movie in theaters: a month or so ago?
Read a book: about Am reading Lovecraft.
Had a snow day: never
Had a party: Had one... hm no but I've gone to some?
Had a slumber party: never
Made fun of someone: I make fun of life everyday.
Tripped in front of someone: Maybe when I was younger? I can't remember
Went to the grocery store: about a month
Got sick: Not in recent memory
Cursed: Bollocks... just now
Drank Blood: Drank? Maybe sucked on my pricked or cut thumb and I think it tastes good but I don't go around filling glasses and gulping.
Pick one:
Fruit/vegetables: Fruit
Black/white: Black
Lights on/lights off: Lights off
TV/movie: Both
Car/truck: Jeep
Cash/check: Cash
Pillows/blankets: both
Headache/stomach ache: Neither
Paint/charcoal: Charcoal. Ink
Chinese food/Mexican food: Chinese
Summer/winter: Winter
Snow/rain: Rain
Fog/misty: both
Rock/rap: Those are not comparable. Rap is not Music
Meat/vegetarian: vegetarian
Chocolate/vanilla: Chocolate
Sprinkles/icing: Sprinkles
Cake/pie: Pie
French toast/french fries: French Fries
Strawberries/blueberries: Bluberries
Ocean/swimming pool: Ocean
Cookies/muffins: Muffins
Wallet/pocket: My wallet goes in my pocket.
Window/door: A Window shaped door
Pink/purple: Purple
Cat/dog: Both
Long sleeve/short sleeves: Long
Pants/shorts: Pants
Winter break/spring break: Spring
Spring/autumn: Autumn
Clouds/clear sky: Clouds
Moon/mars: Mars
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: probably
What is your idea of the best date?: Something amusing, food, alone time to talk as in a walk or such then sit somehwhere and wait for it to end in each other's arms.
What was your first kiss like?: Tingly and wet
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: 15
Do you think love is a load of rubbish?: No
Whats the best experience you’ve ever had with the opposite sex?: Being completely alone and laughing until we cried like crazy people. It's an odd way to bond.
Have you ever been dumped?: Yes
Have you ever dumped someone?: No
What's the most sexual thing you’ve done with the opposite sex?: None of your buisness
am: strange
want: To go home
need: To hold the one I love
crave: Peace
love: Christa-Bear and other things that pale in comparison
hate:Ignorance, Mindless hate and stupidity
feel: Tired
miss: Too many things
am annoyed by: "Friends" That will not go away
would rather: There is not "would rather" the walls close around me no matter where I turn
am tired of: Being so important and by extension responsible. Do you know who Atlas is?
will always: The people who've made me who I am
Silly stuff:
What is your favorite genre of music?: Alternative
What time is it now?: 7:22 p.pm.
What day is it?: 9th? december? I don't know look at the entry date
Whens the last time you called someone?: few minutes ago
How much money do you have right now?: A secret sum
Are you hungry?: Yes
Whatcha doin?: Typing this Journal Entry
Do you like parades?: yep
Do you like the moon?: OH YES
What are you going to do when you're done with this?: probably sleep
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: Creation
Have you ever had a picnic?: No
Do you think you are:
funny?: I make people laugh a lot so I guess so
handsome?: People are delusional and tell me I am but they are simply delusional so no
sarcastic?: Yes
lazy?: No
hyper?: Yes
friendly?: Depends
evil?: Can be cruel
smart?: I like to think so
strong?: I can lift heavy things but I dont work out to look "ripped" so it might not seem like it but I am more than I might seem
talented?: at certain things
dorky?: at times
Extra: Philosophical
Would you ever:
Sky dive?: probably
Run away?: From?
Curse at a teacher?: Hopefully not again
Not take a shower for a week?: Ew what the hell?
Ask someone out?: After friendship and mutual attraction being a sure thing
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: no
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: Possibly
Go scuba diving?: Have and want to again
Write a book?: I've always wanted to have literary talent I just dabble though I guess I could try some day
Become a rockstar?: yes were all destined to be movie gods and rock stars... capitalism and the media have you in their grasp!
Last questions:
What kind of computer do you have?: Laptop
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: no
How many posters do you have in your room?: none
How many cds do you have?: A number
What time is it now?: 7:29
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