Just finished reading on of the hunter trilogy books by R.A. Salvatore. Don't think I'll be finishing the third. Wanted to see what all the fuzz was about. The only parts that amuse me are the one's with Pikel. Just started reading Ravenor Rogue.
A book must be either witty, fast paced, a thriller or gory action for me to love it. Go ahead call me a literary heretic. I really didn't like the book, might as well add I dislike Halo also
On the topic of gore. I simply can't stand anything that has potentially blood spilling or destructive things not destroying and dismembering.
Example Harry Potter: Why couldnt that troll rip Ron limb from limb? or that Cerberus bite him in half?
Why didn't those bloody hawks at the end of LOTR just fly them to Mount Doom at the start?
Why do people get shot in some clearly non-fatal area of the torso and die instantly instead of kicking around screaming and soiling themselves in a drawn out death like they do in real life?
Guess I just have a wanting for something gory and realistic after so many numb action plots
*ahem* Bit too morbid I apologize, long day, bit sullen still feel caring and sweet just a bit sleepy with morbid thoughts. Bear in mind I have a morbid sense of humor to begin with.
I laugh in gory movies for some odd reason. Giant bladed boomerang Impales annoying blond girl running in a bathrobe against a wall in AVP 2 I'm laughing like a maniac out loud at the movies with people staring around me. I scare people sometimes.... on a regular basis... more than often...
Got home messed on the comp, cared for the plants and fed and played with the dogs. Think I want a nap now.
I take my leave with this Quote
"To have faith is to have purpose, and purpose is what defines a man, and makes him steadfast and resolute. Faith keeps him true and, even in the darkest hours, illuminates him like a candle flame. Faith guides him surely, from birth to the grave. It shows him the path, and prevents him from straying into the lightless thickets where insanity awaits. To lose faith is to lose purpose, and to be bereft of guidance. For a man without faith will no longer be true, and a mind without purpose will walk in dark places."
-The Spheres of Longing II. Ix. 31.
I think it's nice and true. Doesn't have to be religious faith, could be faith in yourself or what you do. Trying to strengthen my own and I hope everyone Else's is strong or becoming.
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