Badda Bing Badda Boom
I watched Hellboy 2, I liked it and it had neat special effects and all. I was cheering for the bad guy though, skinny pale elf dude with neat contact lenses, he had a good and logical plan if not a bit machiavellic. Him and the twin sister are basically ying and yang. The fight scene in the king's court was awesome so were the toothfaries and the ogre guy with the mechanical arm. I want to visit troll town sometime
I almost cried when they killed the Forest Elemental
I'm happy with the fact I'm as sneaky on creaky floorboards as on tile or grass. I've always managed to on a regular basis casually walk up to people and startle them by what they describe as silently appearing behind them without a sound. I figured the floorboards here would take that fun away but they haven't.
I saw some documentary on the whole Mayan Calendar thing that says the world ends by 2012. I've been researching and bumped into the "Noosphere" theory and the "Gaia hypothesis". It's fascinating but it's still a concept for me nothing possibly tangible and I'm quite skeptical on the probability. The Gaia hypothesis is the most interesting one for me the other one just sounds like fancy silliness.
The name reminds me of the "arrowhead project" from "The Mist" I love that book and I loved the movie , I should stop re-reading the book though
Long scientific and theoretical speech/monolouge follows read on if you wish-
It basically deals with transmutation. My own view and idea on it I shall explain. I've always thought transmutation possible but not within our technological reach yet. Being a gardener and amateur botanist myself (I'm thinking of taking courses on it in college) I've always been amazed by a plant's ability to create fruit, leaves, bark, roots so on from soil. I make infusions and dry herbs myself. Got the garden and the terrarium growing programs. Well they are back home and I miss them dearly. Point is couldn't a plant be genetically manipulated to fruit or sap chemicals (in case of the fruit within itself duh) with with different properties, properties useful to us.
There are already a great deal of herbs that can be prepared with uses from antiseptic to joint relaxing. What about way more effective ones. What about fuel probably not in an industrial scale but for more mundane purposes. I'm getting way ahead of myself but what I talk of is replacing a lot of the cold inanimate and once disposed of not biodegradable manufactured products with bio-engineered equivalents and create extremely effective medecine because it wouldn't be a plant that happens to have that property but a plant designed to have that property. As we see in nature there are thousands of factors and examples of traits and characteristics that mankind is woefully incapable of equaling.
If you are to compare the agility, reflex time, speed, durability and power. I mean you know canaries? them tiny little birds? Small animals have short lifespans as a general rule. These critters live up to 20 years in some cases, they live that long because on how hyped up on antioxidants they are. Do you know how long a human being would live with the equivalent of those factors? I'm talking from harnessing traits like those to creating new specialized species.
Insects and Fish are the most bio-diversed and in my view effective life-forms on the planet. Why? because they were the first to evolve and have had millions of years to evolve further. Mammals and Birds are newborns in comparison.
You know what could wipe the earth clean? Ants the size of small cars. If colonies were founded in synchronization on different parts of the globe I truly believe nothing short of a nuclear holocaust would stop them. They are armoured, stronger, faster, based on castes and an Eusocial organization compromised of billions. They build cities larger than ours if you evened the scale. They are a bloody superorganism by definition.
On a random sidenote they gave higher thinking apes in Spain human rights which I find amusing, this means the apes can't be experimented on for comercial ends which I'm glad. The religious nuts projectile vomiting out the eyes over it make it all the more amusing.
Also it should be noted that genetecists have learnt to trigger "dormant" genes. These are basically ancestral genes which aren't manifested in the current species. Backwards concept of my earlier proposition but fascinating nevertheless. They've started experimenting with birds and have managed to create bird embryos with scales and tails.
aaand well I think I'm done I've just had all these facts and ideas running back and forth in my head and nobody to talk to so no way to let them out. My handwriting's illegible to me
Social shtufff-
People are worrying and I react to pity by distancing. Yes the current situation hurts a lot I can deal with it myself though. I'm happier when helping others not when being tried to be showered with pity. I guess I could use care and such from others instead of rejecting it lying through my teeth.
I mean the occasional arguement over it are me being plain stubborn. I'd rather deal with it myself and put a smile on your face or make the one you have on wider though. It's just how I'm wired I guess. Wear masks on top of masks until they meld into me and I can't take them off anymore. I'm fine I really am well at least I will be so it's fine. This is how split personalities, emotional buildup and repressed memories probably start but hey maybe not.
Listening to Tool now, this song's really something to me because I've had a depressing number of people confess to me in tears going through it from uncles, cousins and stepdads. It's a Tool song not LITERALLY based on the title. Listen to it and read the lyrics.
I'm off for awhile you all take care and be safe
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