-- Name: Seb
-- Birthplace: Caguas P.R
-- Gender: Male
-- Eye Color: Dark Brown
-- Hair Color: Dark Brown again
-- Height: Tall
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Leo grawr
-- Your heritage: Spanish, Jewish and something European that settled on the nearby islands and then moved here... this mix would partly explain why I'm so pale.
-- The shoes you wore today: The shoes dictated by the wonderful school dress code
-- Your fears: Letting people I care for get hurt or messing up
-- Your perfect meal: It's all about the company
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Independance (housewise) and making those I love happy
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Depends on the day
School: *looks around* Awww crap I didn't lapse into a coma and skipped highschool... *sigh* What can't be cured must be endured, let's make the best of it.
Free Day: *walks around in PJs holding book* Gotta make breakfast... yes yes breakfast, then the plants they need water and fetilizer and the birds yes they need water too... I'm hungry and my back hurts.
-- Your best physical feature: I've been told eyes and neck by crazy people who tell me I'm cute... I told you they are CRAZY
-- Your bedtime: When I fall asleep it's pretty much self taught though that I'll be in a zombie unresponsive state the next day if I don't go sleepy before 2 a.m. so before but usually around there
-- Your most missed memory: Dead Relatives
-- Pepsi or Coke: Mountain Dew
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Subway... I reject your authority and options and make my own
-- Single or group dates: Single
-- Adidas or Nike: Barefeet.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Ice tea cause it is guten!
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Mango
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Hot chocolate!
-- Smoke: No sir
-- Cuss: In moments of pain or suprise... yes very colourfully
-- Sing: In the shower or hum while working alone
-- Take a shower: Twice a day
-- Have a crush: Perhaps... If I love you it's none of your buisness :fist:
-- Do you think you've been in love: For all the good it has done me yes I have was very much so
-- Want to go to college: Yeah but for how long is debatable
-- Liked high school: I can count the people who make the place bearable with one hand. I dislike the place just passing through.
-- Want to get married: *shrugs* I'd have to be madly in love and do I look madly in love?
-- Get motion sickness: Very rarely not sure why I like spinning in office chairs for minutes and minutes
-- Think you're attractive: No you're all mad and trying to convince me proves you madder still!
-- Think you're a health freak: With certain things
-- Get along with your parent(s): Never have probably never will
-- Like thunderstorms: They get me oddly hyper and excited... don't misinterpret that
-- Play an instrument: I can whistle?
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: Nope
-- Smoked: Naw
-- Done a drug: Oh! oh! guess this one! No.
-- Had Sex: My pants are VIP and I'm single so you'll be getting the same answer for the next months.
-- Made Out: Maybe
-- Gone on a date: With myself yup
-- Gone to the mall?: Yeah got more books
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: It's YOU! the same guy who asked this BEFORE! Leave me alone!
-- Eaten sushi: Yesh it is delishush
-- Been on stage: Twice and i managed to detach from what i was doing and do it well but blushed furiously and hyperventilated before and after so not a fan of doing it again
-- Been dumped?: *ahem* 5 times I guess you could say she was a tad unstable she'd always dump me then come back begging for forgiveness.. I had a much weaker heart
-- Made homemade cookies: You mean burnt hard sugary lumps that get stuck in your throat... yeah I did.. once...
-- Gone skinny dipping: Nay!
-- Dyed your hair: Nay once again!
-- Stolen anything: School Materials (Pencils, Erasers you know small stuff that won't be missed) from snobby rich kids to give to friends who actually need it yes and I take stuff from friends and give it back for fun
In a guy/girl...
-- Best eye color?: Any
-- Best hair color?: Dark
-- Short or long hair?: Long is smexy
-- Height: Doesn't matter.
-- Best weight: Whatever she's comftrable with
-- Best articles of clothing: Anything intresting or cute
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: None
-- Number of piercings: None yet I want one
-- Number of tattoos: None either but I'd like a few
-- Number of times name was in newspaper: Once and I never looked it up myself
-- Number of scars on my body: Chest and shoulders have a few.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Loads... don't remind me.
Let us read and let us dance: two amusements that will never do any harm to the world.
— Voltaire
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