I was watching 300 and my cousin came over and started it watching it with me. He started talking about World of Warcraft. I go at the scene they shoot all the arrows "That's what a thousand hunters casting multishot would look like". Then we started quoting warrior attacks when they fight the Immortals. "Rend, Disarm, Shield Bash, Mortal Strike, Execute!". I laughed until my ribs hurt he's one of the few people that can make me laugh like that. I hate that game though
I had a dream. I'm defending children from those redcoat British soldiers. I'm dressed in leather like a huntsman. The children and dirty and crying. I'm killing the redcoats as they storm into the house through a doorway. I kill them as they charge and when I find myself outside a rider comes up and I impale the horse with a spear. The horse rears up throwing it's rider and then comes crashing down. The hooves and the beast's bulk crush me in a brief moments of dream-pain and I wake
We got some new puppies at the shelter. You know a pinhead? Imagine 3-4 bloated ticks per pinhead-size area in the puppy's ear. It was like a living nightmare carpet of revolting bloodsuckers. We got a dog with one of it's eyes coming out of its skull because some stupid kids from a ghetto decided to chase it with a paintball gun for fun. The dog will need surgery to remove the eye. There's a dog with no hair and cracked bleeding skin with areas slimy with pus and flies around it we got him yesterday. I don't get how people do this or allow these things to happen. We specialize in rehabilitating dogs then shipping them for adoption. So we deal with stuff like that often.
I was playing on DoW and it is just amazing how people play team games and completely leave out the "team" part. Common sense by the gods above have a little coordination or stick to single one on one games. I do have a feeling they fail at 1v1 and go 2v2 to steal wins which I wouldn't mind if they actually helped or at least were friendly. This applies to all multiplayer games I've played actually people don't understand teamwork or being polite at all then again they are games why am I expecting maturity. People can be so unpleasant.
I was talking to this guy. He was like completely high on egomania more than me actually. Saying how he's convinced he's the only sentient being in existence and the world is full only of unthinking idiots. I've been extremely Introspective since I was small because of my childhood and I enjoy learning. So that puts me higher than most people on knowledge and I say this as humbly as I can. If I get upset with the world or with someone in particular I do become a storm of arrogance and scorn. That mainly happens when I see something being done wrong. I'm very tolerant and open minded but I can be also stubborn and I like understanding and logic. If I do get upset it's because someone is doing something I find harmful and illogical and that's when egomania dances in my head because they are dumb as rocks and are doing something I find undeniably wrong out of sheer stupidity. This sadly applies to a large range of people.
I do however understand unlike my counterpart that people don't have to be smart or intelligent for me to be nice or friendly towards them. All they have to be is good-hearted and mean well. Unsurprisingly that doesn't narrow it down at all it still encompasses most of the people I meet or see around me. It does however include people I can't have an intelligent conversation with or that get confused when I use complicated terms, when I try to talk to them about a book I read or a philosophical thought about life, religion or society. They though are the same people I can have tickle wars or play around with or talk about more mundane things and joke with. They are good at their own skills or hobbies too, things I will probably never master myself.
Often though I find myself in moments with thoughts and ideas yet with nobody to talk to. I have an odd outlook on life as it is chivalry, philanthropy and very different interest from most people so that puts up walls too. Either Nietzsche or Poe said something akin to. When one has good or deep ideas one must seek a midwife (friend) to give birth to them. I don't think I've ever had that I guess because nobody likes to talk, think and question. Society, religion, life, death, morality, humanity and topics as such that I get lost in thought with around here. Yeah it does get frustrating but living in a socially stagnant island, being in a high school rife with immature idiots and living in a crappy poor neighborhood doesn't really give me a right to demand intelligent and mature company but I manage to be content and find good company.
To give this a closure because I have to go make breakfast. Dear counterpart with such dark egomaniac outlooks worthy of Nietzsche himself. You will not get a job or a lover or friends and you will most certainly not find happiness.
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