Neo Yuppie scumbags!
Let's see everything has been rather pleasant. I took a shower and coked myself some breakfast an omelet and some fruit and a mix of orange and carrot juice which is tasty. Um Grandpa's alright he's been getting more stable and calls me "Julian Fontana" who he also doesn't really know who "Jualian Fontana" actually is well nobody knows really. It's the new name besides calling me by his brother's name or holy inspired names but I'm alright with him not knowing who I am anymore I expected it to happen. I guess it's good if he thinks there are angels, saints, his brother and Jualian Fonatana all taking care of him in my guise.
I'm broke from buying a wireles router and a configuration. I didn't think I'd pay for the configuration my aunt got mesmerized by the employees's offer and dragged me to the little stand then went "pay". I'm like what the hell this was your idea, I could've done it myself this was 50$
I'm kidding.. seriously bunch o pervs
I had to reinstall windows on my laptop since it was corrupted and freezing. It took around 5 hours with a man with no soul from tech support on the phone. When I was at the computer store buying the router I enjoyed unnerving the employees by coldly looking into their eyes and asking for specifications, I usually amuse myself doing so if the employee isn't old or a girl
I really can't stand 99% of all rap I mean...Fine you do have to respect rappers and their atempt to make music by clapping their hands and talking trash about hoes, however after giving them said chance I reserve the right to beat their skull in with the blunt object of my choice. Oh and the 1% is just Eminem because he makes me laugh [link]
While on youtube it must be said I love Foamy dearly. Foamy the squirrel? He pretty much mirrors my views on things. A few to share with thee...
He's such a cute little mean squirrel he knows what I think
Hmm things are alright just calm bordering dull but alright which is good... I would send my laptop back if it freezes again. You know hat's annoying though people that call you and you pick up and you go "I'm cooking or "I was going into the shower" just something that means you're obviously busy. Then they completely overlook that fact and start ranting off personal mundane crap nobody cares about. I mean dear god I write here and don't expect anyone to read it I don't give detailed descriptions of my day to people that don't ask for it. Oh oh and people you ask "How are you?" and they start telling you for the next hour how their brain is shrinking or they got chronic this or post that. Anyways back to the people who ignore the fact you're busy when they call you in my mind away from any physical manifestation I'm going "HOW IGNORANT ARE YOU?!SHUT UP DEAR GOD YOU MAKE HUMANITY LOOK BAD! UAGH WEEHOO!" whilst another part of my brain more logically tries to find something diplomatic to say to end the conversation it is still however irritating like those fuzzy hairs that grow on bamboo shoots.
On society in general I've got to say. We've devolved into base consumers. By-products of a lifestyle obsession. Starving Children, The suffering of others, poverty, pollution, extinction these things don't matter to me. What concerns me is the latest trends, my favourite tv show, celebrities, gossip, ego feeding, cars worship, myself and my empty little world. Amidst it, clinging onto. Just wallowing in a state of indifference, unconcern, lethargy, laziness, boredom, dispiritedness... wearing these sentiments like favourite shirts. Making self pity and complaining and not doing absoloutely nothing in the least about it yet turn it into a full time hobby. ... anyhow.
I have a new friend she's a friend's friend and she's oddly interested in me as in calling me on a regular basis and asks details. Which nobody else does so it unnerves me
Oh yes yes somethng odd happenend just honestly ODD. I dreamt last night that my dad came over and showed me a brown dog. My dad called me today and told me he bought a dog, didn't say color though but I'm just like what the hell mate? aaand a friend is going through some tough times. I'm extremely protective torwards friends or anything that can't fight back. However I know the person who's causing it so I'm torn apart between instinctively speaking my mind and denouncing the flaws or subtlety. I can easily be a sociopathic manipulative creature with those I see an inconsequenatial. Nasty tendency I know sometimes it confuses me because my personality is extremely complicated. The depths of concern and love I can go are so deep yet so are the ones of loathing and manipulation. Thing is I lack an ego or a need to feed it the selfishness is absent. There's no malignant narcissism just love and care for other living beings I relate to just
Russia said they'd retaliate against U.S. missles bases being set up near it's borders. You know an exchange of 7 nuclear weapons would sned the earth into a nuclear winter, I'd feel safer if they didn't keep HUNDREDS around
By the way I used to watch a few darkened ill-visited yet good surrealism or sci-fi art galleries (my tastes) and I was basically one of less than 5 people commenting and they had less than 2k pageviews most of those accounts died out or left so I understand what you mean the herd masses overgorge trends into fat bloated infant superstars.
Meh I might update this again later
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