I felt like a proud parent today picking out names for puppies
I'm leaving at like six now and it's really draining. The work's a lot I keep doing more and more so they take advantage of my effectiveness
Someone let a Rottweiler out and 3 large puppies that were running around attacked it. In perfect concert one would bite and pull back when the Rottweiler would face it and another would dart in and bite another part. This went on in perfect concert in a few heartbeats and they started drawing blood. I started walking over yelling and just went in because yelling didn't do anything at all. Grabbed the Rottweiler by the collar bless her sweet soul she wasn't growling or fighting back and started swatting the dogs away. Which completely ignored me and kept trying to dart in to get swatted away. The Rottweiler started growling and the lady that was using the hose decided to try to soak the dogs to help. the pressure wasn't enough and all the water started landing in the makeshift table that all the paperwork is done it, she didn't notice at all. I'm still amazed thinking back at it none of this happened in over a minute. So I'm looking at all the papers getting soaked, swatting the dogs away and holding on the the Rottweiler. I yelled for the papers and the lady didn't comprehend until I dragged the dogs fight to the table and closed a soaked folder the lady snapped into focus and did something between a scream and a gasp and stopped getting them wet. More people came over and everything got under control. All good fun in less than 40 seconds.
I've taken to speaking to the homeless and the crack junkies. I started taking a shorter route home through a bad part of town. It's a long stretch of road with some poor slum on one side and a broken fence and well nothing on the other just land full of trash, trees and junk. For some reason people dump trash there and there's a crack.. camp? further ahead through a break in the fence. It's just a little trail that gives way to this motley assortment of junk turned into a somewhat livable shelter. The crack remark because the sidewalk is littered with syringes.
Some of these homeless people are insane I believe. A black man with a completely bloodshot eye and a milky other came over and said good afternoon and I said hi. He then said "I am a black man" I just gave him a strong nod as in good that you're proud. Then he smiled and said God Bless and I said it too and then we blessed each other and wished well back forth around 6 times even as we walked away. I was carrying books when I saw him later and greeted him he told me it's good that I'm in school and to stay in it. We once again blessed each other and wished well numerous times.
This lady carrying a baby carriage filled with junk I see no point in carrying and I truly hope it's not to eat likes to ask me what day it is and then for some reason pauses as in making some sort mental note and smiles and thanks. Now the homeless insane and nice to talk to and I'm glad to brighten their day somewhat. Ironically one's that aren't crazy and seem completely sane those look at me like the walking next fix.
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