Hmm I like jam... tasty grape jam with toast is good
Been compulsively watching Invader Zim and reading about medieval weapons, tactics, diseases and occult societies... yes this is what I do on vacation
Ring Around the Rosie is actually about the horrible sympthons of the Black Death!
I call upon the wind of Shyish! *wiggles fingers at you*
DEATH! *gesticulates wildly*
Oh well anyways it was never the highest of the Eight Cryptic Magicks
I wrapped burritos for lunch I don't know what were having for dinner but I ain't making it too
I have a thing for randomly picking up the puppies today and booming out "Simbaaa!!" then hugging them they like it
I played online with Herr Jordan we dominated before he came online I played with random teammates I got some guy that wrote in squares
No idea what language that is, I'm guessing your computer is supposed to be configured to understand it? they're just squares
He was bullying me in squares then bad English after I told him i didn't understand to follow his ill advised tactics
I can't really decide which Chaos Marines are my favorite... between Word Bearers or Night Lords
I mean fanatical diabolical monks or stealthy brutal murderers.. tough choice tough choice... both are Chaos Undivided... nobody knows what I'm talking about I'm betting
I had a scrap there were these Warp Beasts, nasty things they had a wych handler, about to flank my fire teams I was playing Tau.
I send in my Kroot Hounds with an attached Shaper counter-charged them with Feral leap and the slaughter began in earnest.
Well Jordan knows what I'm talking about! *shakes fist*
DEAAAATH! *wiggly fingers*
I'm on vacation! and I'm happy! and I had too much caffeine!
Been a long time since I've had a vacation
We must dance in the Most Holy Summoning of Trance!
Right I should stop spouting nonsense and leave now...
*Bursts back in* DEAAAAATH! *gesticulates wildly*
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