Sunday, January 11, 2009

Views on drugs

Feb 17, 2008, 7:26 PM

What's with drugs and alcohol?

Listen to this situation.
Have you eaten yet? I ask

No he answers

Why, don't have money? I ask though I know the answer

I have money I'm just not spending it he says

Why?, let me guess drinking I say trying to keep anger out of my voice

Yes he says, people work don't they? They suffer in their work don't they? Well I'm starving and saving money it's like a job

I don't even answer and give him half my food. For what? So he comes to school on Monday with some charming story on how he puked at some nightclub? How embarrassing it was? How much he drank?

The man looks at me like I'm something he found on the heel of his shoe when I say I disaprove drinking.

I'm sorry but my parents drink enough for me I have no intrest in it whatsoever nor do i get it I mean what is it? a fad? peer pressure?

We had some talk in our school this girl came over. She was using a idiotic ammount of street slang no normal human being talks like that.

So she's like

"Drinkin ain't kawl man, I like partyin and hangin and chillin but when all my homies are at the bar chillin, I'm just chillin with my orange juice like i'm drinkin"

Okay not only are you making me want to strangle you until you talk like a human being you're also encouraging giving in to peer pressure by faking you're drinking.

What the hell? Who snorted coke and hired this woman?

Ah yes drugs, all the drugs, so many drugs. I walk home from school and kick syringes as I walk. There's a particular sidewalk filled with the orange caps just the caps for reasons I can't fanthom.

I don't give a flying fuck if you do weed and not crack it's all the same to me.

I don't care if you snort it, smoke it, inject it, swallow it or rectally absorb it.

People talk about getting drunk and then whisper there was even weed!

Oh yes that means it was a good party, high profile shit wish you were there material, can't be that without drugs flying around can it? Reverential whispers to it make me sick

Damnit is killing your brain cells a need to do thing? Whats their answer? Oh people make it up. You're opening the way to harder drugs I say. Their answer I only do weed and I have self control.

I only see a future stoner with no life walking around red eyed or a future coke snorter fidgeting with his nose.

They're stupid, idiotic, self destructing, UNNECESARY habits which i find repulsive but yet the world likes them and I just can't understand why

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