Saturday, January 17, 2009


Sat Aug 16, 2008, 5:36 PM

I'm halfway through my celtic myths and legends book. They're nice and simple most have a good moral thought at the end. They remind me of the folklore stories disney dumbed down to make kid's movies. Last I read went something like this, then the witch got ground up and torn apart by the mill's stone wheels as this happenend she let out a great piercing shriek that can be heard to this day if you listen well enough and to give a short summary the protagonists live happily for long years. I was awesome! :w00t:

I've learnt to speak phrases in celt much like latin because... I fall in love with dead tongues :shrug: "

"Cha nee eshyn ta red beg echey ta boght agh eshyn ta geerarree ny smoo"

"It is not he who has little that's poor, but he who desires more"

I can say other phrases but I don't know how to take the ma'am out of "good morning ma'am how are you today?" or replace it for sir :P

I was inquired about my tendency to drink tea. Well your stomach warms up to digest food, throwing cold liquids down the gullet means it has to warm them up too and use more energy. Tis why we can have indigestion going into cold water after eating. Drinking warm tea however speeds and helps digestion plus whatever the contents of it might add. I have odd tastes like that big on exotic foods too.

Anyhow i was discussing literature with dad and we were talking about Pablo Neruda. He dislikes him I enjoy him, he believes he's too shy I think he's just romantic and respectful. Oh well :XD: My favorite poem by him is sonnet XVII.

On the gaming department I am disapointed to learn and to inform neither diablo 3 nor starcraft 2 come out in 2008. So meh I guess I'll decide on spore after reading some reviews. I am an RTS junkie first and foremost so I might get C&C Tiberium and the expansion. I could really tear things up with a balanced force, target priority and fighting retreats with ambushes especially in urban enviorments I love urban fighting. Tactical enough for me though I did bad at full frontal assaults for base defense but come on I was NOD they aren't made for that. Might get warhammer 40k again not sure yet I guess it all mainly depends on who else has them. The Dawn of War 2 new eldar trailer is awesomeness :)

Why? well [link] :aww: I did feel bad for the ranger getting chewed up by the heavy bolter :( I luff rangers.

I saw screenshots of wraithlords with swords which I always thought a neat idea instead of just using their hands. Still a power spear would be more effective if you ask me. Longer reach and I just like spears and halberds as weapons oh and crossbows and bows... sniper rifles right let's not make a huge list out of it :XD:

Cooking shows fail they just do and I like cooking. Why? because they go something along the lines of "sprinkle your tender fillet of veal with black truffles and let it sit for 40 minutes so it soaks up the juice".

I am trying to feed myself in the real world. I refuse to use more pots and pans and dishes that will fit in the dish washer. I refuse to cook a single serve meal for 2 hours whose ingridients cost who knows how much or if they ever are available in this country for a nice aroma to drift from the plate. I have to make food for a number of people, get the dishes done and be out the door or continue with another task soon as life demands. Shows like this should be Titled "expensive gourmet food you will not make everyday show" the sad thing is most cook shows I come across are like that and don't care about budgets or time factors. I still enjoy watching them you know just in case I ever need to flatter someone with tender veal sprinkled with mushrooms, that'll cost me an arm and a leg, still some situations, rare ones where it would be appliable. So I watch until the need to express sarcasm and irony apreciation of "A dish that's easy to make and your family will love" makes me write these things these shows have a whole channel of neverending shows telling you to cook things that cost more than your life and take longer than getting the kids ready and taking them to soccer practice. Teach me how to make spaghetti just normal affordable good ol spaghetti please thank you.

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