Sunday, January 11, 2009

A day

Thu May 15, 2008, 4:14 PM

A day with Seb

I was sitting in history class and the teacher handed out some of her terrible sheets of ignorance and dullness! Upon gazing upon them I see they are papers of brainwashing!

They went like this:

1) Why do you think terrorism is bad? Aha! I answer terrorism is not bad this is a pro-northamerican question, the same country who while launching their self righteous war on terror doesn't mention it has funded and funds terrorism. Who airdropped pamphlets inciting civil unrest and revolution over south america! who funded the guerrillas against the soviet union in the middle east during the cold war! they are hypocrites! *shakes fist*

p.s This was airdropped over nicaragua by the U.S.! [link] explain! It's an amusing little book but the intention stands.

2) What does terrorism make people feel? My answer .... suprsingly it causes them fear and to feel unsafe... terror...

3) What does terrorism accomplish? It accomplishes political or psychological goals.

4) What causes the threat of terrorism?
You mean what causes terrorism? The fact that whichever party is making use of it cannot achieve it's aims in open warfare therefore turning to terrorism to achieve them.

5) What do you think of the 9/11 attack? The loss of innocent lives is highly regrettable as it will always be but they did have it coming.

6) What did the 9/11 attacks cause? It caused a hatred towards muslims bordering on xenophobia, it caused a high state of fear and paranoia in the american people that was stroked furiously by the media and goverment causing the approving of the War in Iraq. Which if I might ask you, why did we invade Iraq of all the bloodthirsty dictatorships in the world? Osama Bin Laden the nefarious poster boy for the war was in Afghanistan a country which we didn't touch or think about. We just charged into Iraq no questions asked because of our Manifest Destiny and patroitic duty to free the world of dictators! Well just those parts of the world that have control of vast resevres of oil but *cough cough*

Separately let me add this. You know ever since going to war was mentioned I've always been shaking my head at how blind is everyone and how wrong it is and recently Hillary said two words I never wanted to hear out of the mouth of another politician again, "War on Terror" as in continuing it.

Now anyways upon getting to the 7th question and reading the definitions she expected us to memorize which were all wrong. I let out a poisonous hiss my friend looks over and tells me "They're stupid and wrong yes but just answer them to get the grade" upon which I exclaim "They're ignorant questions asked by ignorant people expecting idiotic answers!" the whole room stared and after handing it in, filling in the other questions and definitions with the real answers to where did terrorism originate, what terrorism is and what it targets. She said terrorism were unplanned random attacks at *only* civilians, the targets were chosen at random and it originated in the 21st century, I wrote my own definitions. It was handed back with an F and a dimissive wave. Not the grade I expected!.. yes that was sarcasm. I'm just stubborn and defiant sometimes... well most of the time.. I know she made the questions and definitions and my answers dripped sarcasm and insubordination towards her and her incompetence but I really couldn't help myself. I realize this probably does harm myself and only myself yet the defiance gives me um what did I call it... oh yes "Angry Happiness". Education like that insults me.

Then this kid turned his cell phone into a stereo because it blaring very loud rap music that kept talking about being the baddest "dawg", the beat being occasionally accompanied by the sounds of moaning of women and gunshots. My friend remarked "Hey he's playing that music you like"... He does enjoy provoking my most venomous glares.

After school was out I returned home, surprisingly with a migraine in the works which walking in the sun did not help. My darling next door neighbors, not to be confused with the one's across the street which are grade A white trash.

They live across the street and I call them, focusing on the "man of the house", white trash. Many a night when I tend to my plants in the balcony. I can hear him beating his wife while his children cry or occasionally scream when he hits them too. The woman hits and yells at the children too so she doesn't get a lot of pity from me. The temptation to go over with a wooden bat and kick his teeth in and badmouth the woman for being a bad mother isn't completely burnt out. I tell myself it's not my life and it's probably happening in the next block too so I must abstain.

Anyways where were we? ah yes my next door neighbors.

They are the example family for "Money doesn't buy happiness". I wish to remark this because I walked to taco bell.. or taco maker.. well it was a taco place. Anyways I got to my rusty gate and I look across to their house. It's smaller but well kept with a fresh lick of light blue paint, pure featureless cement on the ground except for a patch of depressingly sterotypical grass. I really expect them to put up a white picket fence anyday to complete the illusion. My house on the other hand is bigger and falling apart with charming chipped paint and moss growing on any stone, cement or tile that shows itself. Yet! it has all sorts of plants we've planted or seeded growing upfront and a large thick gorgeous tree. Basically a primal jungle which makes it seem much more alive and cheerful. I do enjoy coming home because of that.. well enjoy coming home as long as the house it empty anyways...

Right right to it now, they are both doctors and have more money then I ever hope to have. They have 3 cars, a maid and anything you may think of that's in the american dream.. well except for the picket fence. They are unhappy bastards though they're constantly screaming at each other and their son who they don't take care of. They hate animals, plants and anything thats not classy, expensive, sterotypical and clean.

They bought a dog for their son to play and distract itself with. An expensive terrier breed trained to sit down and roll over. The maid, not them of course, fed it and bathed it. Their son would beat the dog and literally throw it against walls for amusement. I admit I felt a mix of sadness and gratefulness when a car squashed the dog's head, smearing his brains and blood across 6 feet of my street, blood that nobody washed off until the cold slow mechanics of long-term rainfall faded the stain away. The child of course though it was "Cool". They got him a little brother and another dog. A dog that is currently insane for being kept alone for too long and only barks frantically when he sees me or my mom arrive because we go over and pet him daily. His owner once remarked "Hey it's actually doing something" when he walked in on me playing with him through the gate. The child is still as irritating as ever. He throws basketballs at lizards and smushes them against walls, he only recently stopped because his parents grounded him for staining the immaculate walls.

Back to my darling day. Mom came home loudly honking the horn more than necessary so I come out and open the gate for her which I did the unloaded her suitcase and stuff. I had rigorously cleaned the house and changed everything that needed changing and amazingly she didn't complain probably because she just hurried and locked herself in her room and got on the phone. I also expected her to barge in screaming the heavens that we had to go watch that new Narnia movie. I would like to know why i'm consantly sweeping. A week goes by and bam! the floor's filthy especially the corners. I don't touch other parts of the house that aren't: My room, the balcony, the living room and kitchen floor. That leaves the laundry room, mom's room, bathroom and kitchen which are places of horror on most days unless I summon the courage to clean them or mom pays my uncle. Still the stained walls are a general thing I don't know how to clean them.

Later on when she laid down on the sofa she asked me to bring her water, a pillow, the remote control and a blanket. After calling on my name over and over with increasing frustration until I come over. I do really feel like a dog sometimes. I remarked I don't feel well and she inquired why. I told her I have a migraine and i'm was starting to get dizzy. She asked me if it hurts a lot and well I can only laugh at her, even though each laugh made the back of my eyeballs throb with pain.

I was born with a severe heartburn condition which has gone untreated making my throat a permanent burnt mess which burns further on a regular basis. As disgusting as it may sound I am used to the taste of acidic bile. I started having migraines when I was nine, really bad ones where I'd cry and puke if I spent time in heat, light or moved too much. They still hurt a lot but i'm used they're just bothersome and make everything seem more irritating. I'm used to pain when I pinned my hand on the gate by accident and tore a chunk out of it. I just hissed in shock and annoyance and walked away. I cleaned it and dressed it the alcohol does make me wince everytime if the wound is open enough.

Well anyways i went out to the backyard and built a barrier. basically a line of construction blocks separating where I plant specimens that I can't keep in my garden because they're either offpsring or getting too big. My constant experimentation, organic waste depositing and terrain manipulation has made it fertile. Hopefully the blocks will somewhat stop the advance of the all consuming weeds.

I'm off to war with Herr Jordan. We got a new tactic now it's somewhat the opposite of what we had before. As Chaos and Dark Eldar he'd run in and murder every living thing in melee supported by heavy armour support. Alternately he'd have huge infantry waves supported by the heavy vehicles. Either way I killed choice targets at range and kept a few token close combat squads to tear apart bothersome units or aid in taking down elite targets. That's how we work the hammer and the spear. The battle-axe and the rapier. For variety we went Sisters of Battle and Imperial Guard. Now the melee and the range specialization is reversed but our roles stay the same. I do miss my Dark Eldar especially my cute little Warp Beasts and murderous Scourges.


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