Sunday, January 11, 2009

Left Home

Tue Apr 15, 2008, 12:22 PM

I was kicked out of my house. It started with the usual arguement. She woke up at 4 in the afternoon. I had been cleaning all day and she just yells my name and starts demanding that I go out and buy her food. I'd made my own breakfast, gone out to buy my lunch, mopped, sweeped, fed the dogs, changed the water and food on the birds, scrubbed the toilet and the bathroom sink and did my laundry as I always do. She started raising her voice at me and telling me to go then started yelling "I said now!" so I decided to ignore her and she kept following me about demanding and yelling while I replied now and then for her to order or get it herself since she can drive and I'd be walking. After awhile this of course won't stand once she starts calling me a lazy shit and that never does anything so I quote everything I've done and call her and ungrateful wench and that if she wants to talk about responsiblity she hasn't cooked anything in weeks and the dishes (the only thing I don't do even ocassionally because I wash my own plate when I eat) have their own flora and fauna going in their kitchen sink.

Of course she won't stand down. She completely ignores the point I made and switches to saying she pays the house and the bills and that everyone under it's roof: me, my cousin and my uncle must obey her and respect her and she bought me a computer and pays for my private school. Those being the only things she can bring up on me. Acording to her that tact or politeness doesn't come into it. I ask her if she can hear what she's saying and she says yes so I laugh in her face and she gets a sharper degree of red and asks me "Who the fuck do you think you are" to which I reply "A human being with rights". I point out that she bought the computer back in 2001 because: First I needed it for school, secondly dad pressured her into it that being when I still saw dad. Currently the thing is nearly obsolete. Also I go to a private school because it would look bad if the son of mrs. great high and mighty professional went to a public one everything she does is to make herself look good or to rub it in at a later time.

I pull my own weight and the house's too because she works. I'm not spiteful about it most of the time, I understand she's stressed and I understand she works late but the constant emotional and psychological abuse and the never acknowladging that she does it and the work it do takes its toll. She sits in asofa and calls on me every 15minutes to: Get the door, bring her water, feed the dogs, get her a blanket, get her food, get the phone and doesn't even say thanks not only that she has the nerve to insult me and say I don't do anything. I try to ignore and I try to cope with that.

Now her ideals that I'm property and her giving me only what she deems necesary which is basically nothing unless I want to argue over it. Example buying a damn bag of dirt for 3.99 to plant is a huge arguement because of what im going to do with it and where am I going to plant which is completely irrelevant because she doesnt go into the backyard if anything twice a year, her arguement is simple you don't need it. That is basically with everything unless she wants me to buy it anything over 15$ she doesn't approve of is an arguement. After I stopped seeing dad she deemed christmas and birthdays as unnecesary I might get 20$ or a dvd from one of my aunts but thats it. Beats me what she stashes the money for I get 20-30 dollars when we go to the mall every two or three months and I usually save part.

After quoting some of that to her suprise suprise! she doesn't want to talk anymore. Perhaps here I should've not twisted the knife but when she decides to argue with you hell you don't even have to be arguing with her. She just follows you around screaming, insulting and belittling even if you calmy state "I'd like to stop this conversation and continue it when you're not screaming" she just shoves all the shit she wants down your throat so I think we all have a right to treat others like they treat us so I continue my list of grievances until she's screaming, slapping and telling me to get the fuck out of the room.

Oh how dare I! God says I must obey her she's my mom! I guess it's too bad God didn't say anything about children being human beings too.

She shoves me out and tells me I'm grounded. No using the computer in 2 months and if I don't shut up and not defy her she'll sell it. I laugh in her face! She doesn't need the money that's out of pure hate and malice! I ask her why is she hurting me and destroying me like this while I'm just trying to help her. Discipline she says to which I ask if she thinks she's training a dog and she replies yes it's just like that.

I ask her "Oh so this is for my own good? When I was little it was threats about not watching tv so I stopped watching it. Then it was about not going out or calling frieds which I also stopped doing. Later on it was no contact with the people I was in a relationship with.. well yeah there she did have me by the balls there but I'm single now. The only thing I pass the time with on a daily basis now is my computer and she's threatening to sell it for the sake of keeping me under your complete control? You don't give me anything, expect total servitude and me to be your smiling servant under blackmail and threats...Unbelievable, Do you hear what you're saying?"

She says: "Yes"

I simply laugh and ask her: "What are you going to do when you run out of things to manipulate and control me with?"

Oh yes I was naive enough to expect "Treat you like a human being and make terms with you". Her answer was: "Then you'll have to find somewhere else to live because I can't keep you in this house if I can't control you". Any humor about how unbelievable or stupid the whole thing is to keep my temper in check was gone. I'm property, I'm a dog, I'm an object whose only purpose is to be at her beck and call with no rights or say of my own. I hadn't seen my dad in 3 and a half years she yelled a few times "Well then go live with your dad!" stuff like that. After she said my face set and I merely stated "I'm calling him"

So I made my bags and waited for dad. He came by an hour and a half later. I'm leaving the house and she grips my shirt "WHO'S IN THE CAR?!" I'm like a friend from school and she freaks out and starts trying to take my bag away and dad's like wtf? I'm like it's Dad... jesus who the hell would come pick me up anyway? She's like "Oh.. well okay" and tried to hug me and I dodged away and got in the car. Were driving and dad goes "You know I have this picture of when I came see you a few months ago, you smile and you say everything's fine but your eyes seem really sad. Has this stuff been going on for awhile?"

I just gave him one of my secret "you don't know the half of it smiles" and said sometimes. Then we talked politics and philosophy the rest of the way.

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