Sunday, January 11, 2009

Morning Rant

Thu Feb 21, 2008, 12:05 PM

Why are people scared and uneasy around and end up marginalizing people with mental conditions?

There's this kid I know he's got asperger's I go to school with him. He can do wonders by mimicking sounds it's unreal.

I constantly encourage him to be a voice actor he gets really hyped up I just sent him a link to an article about this documentary on voice acting.

This kid's pretty "normal" acting but still gets picked on and made fun of. There's other kid's with autism or more serious mental handicaps that I'm nice to and interact with also and stuff like this happens.

So this autistic kid runs up to me when i'm walking with 2 classmates and they both get really scared. Then he gives me a hug and I hold him and they laugh then make fun of it

Afterwards they pretend to be him, of course screwing up their faces and go uhhhhghh ughhh and humping me, I get bloody offended and pissed of course but still. Why is it funny? I don't get it...

Why does everyone start giggling when the bipolar girl starts crying for no aparent reason in the middle if class?

Why do I get so much crap for being nice and helping people I think get stepped on. Why does everyone either make fun of it or try to teach me to be selfish and materialistic?

I don't want any bloody money or any article of clothing or shoes that's worth more than 25$ and I won't buy more than two every 4-5 months.

I have a grim " working and effective before new or pretty" outlook on alot of things most people go crazy buying deal with it and don't get mad because I'd rather give money to a homeless person than buying more clothes than I'll ever care to wear.

Is a little empathy too much to ask? Nobody likes being laughed at when they cry or made fun of, being homeless or having nobody to talk to, try to think about that

Not only that you got stereotypes, racism and selfishness. Just... I hate Mankind.... I really do... but I love Individuals. I'm going back to bed..

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