Saturday, January 17, 2009

Entry numero vier?

Tue Aug 5, 2008, 8:33 AM

I like someone-

Okay so I talked with a very good friend of mine last night and one thing led to another and... I admitted liking her... a lot. To my surprise she admitted the same thing. No not that she likes herself too, that she likes me back. Unexpected developement so was the hailstorm but anyways. Let me say a few things about her.

First she's just... there's not *a* word for it perhaps I could try making one "amazinglycaringcutesupercuteandawesome" hmmm no it needs to be longer to encompass her but anyways. Heres the deal I've been in two relationships one a two year one and I've of course naturally crushed every now and then. I get bored of talking to people in less than 30minutes, we can talk for hours and I never get bored.

She just can't compare with any girl I've met or been with even though she can't see how wonderful she is I do. She's funny, strong-willed, smart, free-thinking, GORGEOUS, funny, interesting, adorable, caring, cheerful you know just plain amazingly awesome.

Yet she went on to say how so terribly irrevocably flawed she is and how she will end up hurting me badly, made it sound I'm courting my doom but I care for her a lot and I want her, every detail, flaws to overcome and all.

I simply am more than willing to take that risk. There's the possiblity that it will work out it'll be great. We'll get through it if for some reason we don't and I can be stubborn on my side because I don't back down from tough situations unless asked to. I can live if I did my best and gave her some happy memories. I'll always care for her as a friend or as more than that, she's amazing even though she can't see it.

The odds could be us against the world and I'd try it because she's an angel, she's worth it

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