Tuesday, May 19, 2009

People are animals, they are animals and so much worse. People can embody and in my experience tend to embody the worst traits of sentience and animalism. They have all the needs of animals and all the selfishness, guile and greed capable of a sentient being both enforced by a sick society. They leave out the balance of an animal, the simplicity. As well as the wisdom of Man, the willpower and the capabilities reflection, empathy and retrospection. The masses are disgusting blind herds, I do tend to like individuals, always though it tends to be individuals who don't follow the trend and even still.

I read people well, since early on I've also enjoyed figuring out cause and effect. When you apply that to people and study and watch, introspect, empathize for long enough you'll understand people well enough and read them quicker each day. I'm an enigma to myself. Did you know that? It is a simple yet complicated.

I understand what drives people, the want to acquire material wealth to be more comfortable in this world, to be known, to express themselves to other people. The human being psychologically requires; attention, an ego, goals (which tend to be materialistic) and so on.

Then I talk to someone or watch other people talk and it is just everyone waiting for their turn to talk and not listening. People don't care about anything or anyone not directly affecting them. Homeless people, poor people, sick people, old people, children, animals are just examples of living beings people are more than quick to shun and treat like things and not human beings. They quite happily look the other way and concentrate on themselves and fail to consider for a moment giving them as much value and attention as they give themselves.

People go to psychiatrists and pump themselves with pills because they feel alone. One in a billion, yet everyone thinks their life is the most important thing in the world. Not only that but also that everyone needs or wants to learn every little detail. I'm not a violent person, I'm quite a pacifist at heart but sitting there while a woman tells me about what she thinks of her sister dating somee guy and her child coming over and wanting to play and her beating him because she is trying to talk. Makes me want to quite literally go feral and snap her wrists, which is frustratingly more tempting since I do know how to and can, so she can't hit her child who's just being a child anymore.

I get this overwhelming feeling that people don't think, that people don't listen. All rushed and rushed into being hollow and empty. Listen to the trees, listen to the animals, listen to yourself and find solace in that, find contentment and peace in that. Learn from that, expand your mind past the parameters set by other people, set by the physical world or what other people think or want. It is possible. I have done it, I do it everyday. People are blunted, mentally and spiritually and then they are herded with a carrot on a stick approach by everyone. because everyone expects something from them, their family, their co-workers, their friends, their own parents they all pressure and demand. Such a horrible empty life, lived for others who are as selfish and as caught up as you. An endless cycle. Do unto others as has been done unto you. others tend to be mentally stunted, selfish others.

I need to go now, will edit later

1 comment:

  1. Love is the only element that makes this crazy world have some sense. Through Love we gain compassion and empathy. It is hard to live in a seemingly heartless world, but put on the spectacles of Love and you might see Truth.
    Selfishness is but fear of being let out, Hatred is the inability to look beyond ego, Greed is the lack of Love in someone's life. I have raged just like you. I have been misunderstood, misquoted, made the butt of jokes and malicious gossip. I still have the scars. But I discovered that if I bow to the truth of Love I am beyond their grip. I am noy naive, the world can be very cruel, but Love is our rescuer and our refuge, our true home.
    May your days be surrounded my everlasting Love.
    Lots of hugs,
