Sunday, May 10, 2009

I was raped by an anthropomorphic tiger

More internet fun, a random guy pretending to be a tiger online tried to have cybersex with me. Another friend told me to add him, I came to regret the decision.

Copy+paste. Some people need counseling.


Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
I want to be rubbed
Seb says:
good for you
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*lays down and licks my hind leg showing off my hindquarters*
Seb says:
nice um... stripes
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*licks my sheath*
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
Mr. Muffins..... *rubs against your leg purring* This kitten is very hot.... *whimpers*
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
Mr. Muffins..... *rubs against your leg purring* This kitten is very hot.... *whimpers*
Seb says:
calm down there cowboy
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*licks your leg*
Seb says:
Why my dear anthropomorphic tiger friend are you trying to mate with me?
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*sits down and looks at you whimpering*
Seb says:
there there
Seb says:
I'm sure there is a nice tiger person out there for you
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*rubs against your leg affectionately purring*
Seb says:
out there... not on my leg
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*whimpers and tries to get on your leg*
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*whimpers and tries to get on your leg*
Seb says:
bad kitty
Seb says:
I'd throw water at you but tigers swim
Seb says:
and outside that are very large deadly felines
Seb says:
Seb says:
I'm out of ideas
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*wraps my front paws around your leg and pushes my sheath against your foot*
Seb says:
you're an anthropomorphic tiger with a foot fetish?
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*grunts and humps you moving my sheath under your pants as something wet touches your skin*
Seb says:
*flails wildly*
Seb says:
This is the worst acid trip I've ever had!
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*grunts harder as something warm goes up your leg slightly leaving a soft wet feeling*
Seb says:
quite the sick trip friend but I really need to get ready for work
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*gets off your leg my erect member slipping from your pants dripping pre*
Seb says:
thank you
Sazu the Gay Tiger says:
*licks at my red member as it withdraws back in my sheath**

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